Really not sure how to feel about this. I recently reconnected with my longest friend of 7 years (middle & high school) after a 2 year fall out when we graduated HS. She’s very beautiful, and always been a very extroverted, flirty, vivacious type. Has a huge family and lots of siblings, so I’m not sure if this plays into it, but she likes being the center of attention and tends to dominate conversation as well. Long story short we went out for some drinks to catch up, it goes well, and she asked me to bring her to my new place and introduce her to my boyfriend. As soon as we get there, she gets even louder and more animated, telling lots of stories about meeting NBA players during her club promo days, fun things she’s done, people who are famous who have hit on her/ slid in her dms, etc. She seems to get more drunk and and pretty soon she’s complimenting the HELL out of my boyfriend, right in front of me, saying he’s so good looking and tall, handsome all that stuff. Makes tons of eye contact with him. Says my boyfriend is so shy, because he doesn’t know how to reply, and says she’s always liked shy guys. The conversation then ends up surrounding her being a Mexican born dual citizen, and how she grew up being bullied for her accent by boys. She then says excitedly that she is confident she can now take anyones man, “especially a white guy because every white guy wants a Latina, all I have to do is speak a little Spanish”. (My boyfriend is white and so am I) Needless to say at this point I am very uncomfortable and so is my boyfriend. After another 15-20 mins of conversation I offer to take her home. We talked in the car about unrelated stuff and all seemed well, but when I got back to my apartment and really thought about it all, am I crazy to think she was making moves on my boyfriend right in front of me? There are a few more details I left out for the sake of brevity but I am leaning toward just not contacting her again.

  1. Sounds like she’s hitting on him but even if she wasn’t she’s catty and obnoxious. I’d be remembering why I ditched that friendship at this point.

  2. You’re not crazy. Sounds like she has confidence/self-esteem issues and plays them out by flirting with taken men.

    This is so common it’s a trope. Call her on it. If she does it again, shut the door on the relationship.

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