this happens actually a lot, not just to me for sure,but very common. drunkards, drugged-outs, etc, many street people and even street vendors will approach passer-bys, and I dont want to interact with such cases. However due to a kind of cowardice I briefly tell them I dont want any transactions with them. However,sometimes they border the line of committing a felony and dare to insist after my negative.

Do I persist in ignoring them? act as if theyre actually not there at all? (im a man,if its important)

  1. Do you have headphones? If not.. get headphones.. If someone tries to bother you on the streets just pretend you’re on the phone, talk loudly “on the phone” and if they continue, just tell them to shut the fuck up as you’re on the motherfucking phone.. It wouldn’t help to channel Samuel L. Jackson while doing so..

  2. You don’t have to engage anyone if you don’t want to, especially if they are a stranger who is clearly under the influence.

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