This guy said he liked to feel a connection before having sex. And that sex isn’t a priority to him because he hasn’t had it in so long. He said he hasn’t been physical with anyone because of COVID. So after the first date he told me to message him if I liked the date. I did saying that I had a good time (we just went out to eat) he said he had a goodtime too. I told him that I really liked him and he asked me when could he see me again. I told him next week and he said that sounded good. I asked him where? He said he didn’t know and asked me if I had any idea. I told him I just wanted to relax with him. Then he said so my place? I said yes if you don’t mind. He said he didn’t mind.

I do want to have sex with him (I haven’t had sex in three years) but I wonder if it’ll make me seem easy. Most people say the woman needs to make the guy wait. Otherwise he’ll just think she’s easy.

  1. If he said he wants to take it a bit slow, follow his lead.
    Don’t jump his bones but if he makes moves go with it.

    See what pace he wants.

  2. Just take things naturally. I don’t think it makes you easy at all! Life is too short not to have fun and enjoy!

  3. Honestly, the whole concept of being “easy” is dumb.

    Life is short. Sex is an enjoyable activity.

    I can understand why some people want to wait- building trust, not being able to feel a connection with a stranger, etc.

    But if you are totally comfortable with sex on the first date and have no concerns, being “easy” is in no way a bad thing- and nobody has the right to make someone feel that way.

    It’s just another remnant of our puritanical past.

  4. Girl you’re fine. You do you. Anyone who would call you easy for living your life the way they want can shove their opinions up their ass.

  5. I’ve had sex on the first date.. it’s your choice, do whatever makes you happy!

  6. I recently had sex with a guy on the second date, he made me dinner afterwards and seems extremely interested in getting to know me as a person more. It doesn’t make you easy, it just means you wanted some dick and there ain’t nothing wrong with that.

  7. If he has sex with you he’s easy too.
    I can’t be bothered with double standards. Better find out now than months into the relationship.

  8. Fuck “what people think/say”

    Go with the flow. If the flow leads to the bedroom then get it gurl!

  9. nope. the whole being “easy” thing reeks of the notion that women don’t actually enjoy sex, but do it in exchange for other types of affection. and we both know that’s not true. do whatever you want.

  10. dont worry about what others think. just focus on him and if he wants to. if he thinks you are easy for sleeping with someone you like after waiting three years then he is an ass and you shouldnt give him a second fuck… i mean thought

  11. We are adults. There is no such thing as being a slut or moving too fast. We are at the age of knowing what we want, if you are happy with having sex on second date then so be it!

  12. If he moves on after notching you up on his bedpost then it only took 2 dates for you to find out he’s a twat and not the ‘traditional’ 3. You saved time and you got laid. Bit of a bummer he wasn’t more of a long term thing but move on.

    If you want to fuck, fuck. He might be the one in which case you’re a little closer. If he thinks less of you for doing it he’s an arsehole.


    Me and the OH did it about a week before I actually asked her out. Been together 17 years, married 15. Just do what you want and keep yourself safe, don’t overthink it.

  13. I met this girl. Had sex with her on the same day. 10 years together 7 married.

    Having sex early only means you had sex early.

    Nothing good/bad about you.

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