I live in a mountain town with horrible men to women ratio. I’m here for white water and skiing. I finally after being here for two years had my first date with a girl who is looking for something long term. Lot of girls here just want sex. We met in tinder where I gave her my number. She called me which was unexpected and refreshing. We talked for a while then continued to text taking ab life for the next week. We met up had a good time exploring an ghost town. Went back to her place and made pizza/ drank wine. Watched a movie in the couch and wound up kissing and cuddling. I expressed to her being surprised that she was taking to me bc in the day she showed no signal of being romantically interested or not. She told me she was surprised to bc she doesn’t usually give guys in this area chances bc they are all just looking for sex. I slept on the couch she slept in her bed. Woke up the next day tried to embrace her but she didn’t seem interested. Not cuddling back. I asked her if it was just the wine that made her feel like that. She said yes. I felt kinda sad ab it and wound up leaving bc she was acting closed off. She gave me a really long hug and I dipped. I text her saying I was bummed bc I thought she was into me. She replied” I am into you but I think the touchy feely stuf made me put a bit of a guard up. I responded to her letting her know how I felt and that I was willing to move slow bc I like her but she hasn’t said anything since then and it was yesterday morning. She did watch my insta story tho. I’m wondering if I should expect her to just fall off. She said she’s looking for a bf and said she’s into me but I bet she probably suspects I have the wrong intent. I am planning to leave her be for now. In hopes she gets back to me bc cool girls are hard to come by here and she was great. Any thoughts?

1 comment
  1. So her message is: “I like you, but I don’t feel close enough yet and I’m afraid you aren’t serious”

    And your response is: “I’ll just leave her be”

    She ain’t asking you to give her space…

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