Today was my first day of classes on campus. It’s my first time actually being at an actual campus. (My first two years were all online community college) I haven’t really dated anyone in those two years either due to work and school. Now that my work schedule has opened up a lot more and I’m going to be at an actual campus, I’m looking for tips to meet some girls. So far my classes have been come in, sit down, listen, and leave. I didn’t have a chance to talk to anyone in my classes today. I’ve made a few friends through some school discord hub thing but I’m looking for a bit more than friends.
Is it best to just cold approach someone sitting alone and talk to them? Try to talk to people in class? I’ve never had too much experience with dating. Any tips or help would be appreciated.

1 comment
  1. Do you have any friends on campus you could maybe go out for drinks with at your student union? Perhaps your discord friends might be up for that?

    If you don’t drink/not into party culture, there should be lots of societies you can join which is a great way to meet new people with similar interests (even if not romantically, it’s always good to get involved in new circles!).

    Otherwise, I would advise you to refrain from putting too much pressure on yourself and try not to expect too much too soon.

    Today was your first day and it sounds as though you’re keen to put yourself out there which I think is great to hear. Good luck, OP!

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