My dad is serving life in prison for murder right now. Nobody at school knows except her. I found out that she is sleeping with another guy when he bragged about it. She said she still loves me and wants me to forgive and stay with her. She even bought me some gifts to try to buy my forgiveness but I said no. Now she is threatening to tell all of our classmates that my dad is a murderer. I don’t want anyone to find out since I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle it. What do I do?

  1. At the end of the day mate, it would get out at some point the distinction is that you aren’t your father. You’re true mates will stand by you.

    If you have proof of this blackmail. Keep it because if she does go public because you have a spine and won’t let her win because she’s a dirty little cheater then you have all the proof you need that she is just a disgusting person.

    Hold your head high mate, you have done nothing wrong. She’s the one in the wrong. Be happy and go on to do great things in life and prove to her you were the biggest mistake she made.

  2. Wow I am so sorry you are going through this! She sounds like a sociopath or at least a narcissist. What have you replied to these threats? Do you have anything implicating her that you can throw in her face? Honestly and it’s not what you want to hear I’d tell her to tell everyone, that you don’t care. And if you hear it from anyone which you might spin it about how pathetic she is that she has to tell everyone that to hide that she fucked what’s his name. If the case isn’t big or google-able lie and say it was manslaughter. If you beg her or show her she has power she’s going to keep torturing you with it. Act like it’s no big deal anymore.

  3. I really don’t understand people for who it makes sense to blackmail someone to stay in a relationship. First of all why would anybody want to stay in a relationship with someone who needs to be blackmailed to stay and second there is just going to be that much more resentment towards the blackmailer further making it not worth it.

    The truth about your father might come out in the process and you need to be ready for it mentally, but please don’t stay with her. It is not good for either of you.

  4. Tell her that then you’ll tell everyone how she slept with (name of AP) and try to blackmail you…

  5. You can go a few different ways. 1. Break up and let school attendants know this is going to happen.
    2. Blow up her spot for cheating on you but telling people she did.
    3. Tell people about your dad yourself so you can control the info then break up with her.

  6. try to get proof of this threat, spread that.
    leave her.
    your dad did what your dad did theres no changing that for better or worse. you can change weither or not you stay with the cheating bitch.

  7. Woody Harrelson’s father was a murderer. I am saying this for the sins of the father do not get passed down to the son in our society. You have nothing to worry about, all of your friends will stay your friends. The people who will not were never your friends.

  8. Tit for tat, if she is blackmailing you, just tell her that you will tell everyone how she cheated on you by sleeping with someone else and bribed you for forgiveness.

  9. Get her to out that blackmail in writing. Then let her do it. Believe that those who matter won’t care and it will be hard. However, even the playing field by getting evidence of her blackmail, and then threatening to share that on social media. This is just plain abusiveness.

  10. People are going to find out sooner or later, but if you let her blackmail you now, then someone will always be there who’ll blackmail you in the entire duration of your lifetime using this threat.

  11. My (now dead) birth father was also a murderer. He killed my mum when I was 6 and spent 10 years in jail before then being held on a licence for another 12 years before his death. People will always find out about it. I had teachers mention it and when I was very young parents told their kids. I am assuming to to get them to take it easy on me but all that happened is I suddenly had a load of kids taking this piss by pretend strangling each other which is what my dad did. You will have to learn to accept that this is just a thing you will have to deal with and just because your father did it doesn’t have any bearing on who you are as a person. We all make our own decisions and you can be a better person than your dad. You gf sound ds like an arse better to chuck that in and possibly look at counselling to speak about the impact of your father’s actions have had. I am 33 now and I still get some counselling from time to time to just talk through things judgement free. You are welcome to ask me anything btw

  12. Fucking tell her parents or school regardless if it does get out Atleast you will know who your real friends are

  13. Someone willing to blackmail you can’t be trusted regardless…she’s cheating and blackmailing you. So she may just leak it regardless. You are not your father and your REAL friends will stand by you regardless. Tell a school counselor/ teacher/ admin as well about the WHOLE situation. That way you can get the emotional/ mental support you need to handle this (cause your gf clearly isn’t the person for that job), admin can help control the narrative should this get out and they can also deal with her because blackmail is a crime. Do you have proof as well? Show them the proof.

  14. Your gf obviously is an asshole.

    As for your father, I’d rather not hide it. It’s him who committed a crime, not you. It’ll be easier if you can talk about it openly.

  15. Tell everyone your secret already. Don’t take the blame of your father’s mistake. Don’t allow anyone to hold you hostage ever in your life. Be brave and get this over with. Good luck

  16. The best revenge would be to post all the screenshots of her trying to blackmail you on Facebook or whatever and say yes my dad is a murderer but I am not my dad etc. Way easier said than done but it would de-weaponise her immediately.

  17. If you accept this, she will always blackmail you. And if she breaks up with you at some.point, she will tell anyways.

    I am so sorry you are suffering this.

  18. Swallow the tough pill now and get out. There is absolutely no measure of what damage this creature could do to you later on. This won’t be the hardest thing you go through mate. You’re not you’re dad both my parent are 1/10 my life is great. You didn’t do anything wrong and you haven’t done anything wrong. Stress now might save a lot more pain long term. This is one of the most toxic thing I’ve read in here. If she has that level of entitlement now she is going to be one dangerous woman.

    Also, getting in first usually sets you up better than others dumping your news. I wish I could help you in person this is some new world toxic shit

  19. Bro she is scum, either way itll probably get out sooner or later, what year of school are you in? If late years then you only have to put up with peoples bullshit for a little while, if she is to do this to you then she was never a good gf mate, even after a break up you still care about eachother but she is just dirt for this

  20. Tell them yourself and control the narrative as well as the fact that your cheating girlfriend is using the information to blackmail you.

  21. Get proof and then go to the police, blackmail is a criminal offence and even though it’s unlikely that she would get into serious trouble it will certainly shut her up.

  22. I work in a school. The school (administration) already knows this information about your father. It’s in your file. You should go to your principal and tell them you are being blackmailed/bullied by your girlfriend. Explain the situation. They can talk to her with a school resource officer (police officer) present. Hopefully, that will scare her into stopping.

  23. Last time my ex husband threatened to “expose me to the world” as he put it, I took the power away from him, and exposed myself first. I did it through a FB post and made sure everyone was aware that I was admitting my mistake publicly because my husband was trying to use it to control and manipulate me. That shit backfired on him. Everyone was more upset with HIM, then over my mistake. I felt like yelling in his face, “take that MF” but I didn’t. I had enough and I was done.

  24. Start telling people yourself and get ahead of the lies and rumours. When you tell people, answer questions so people don’t start making up stuff and spreading rumours. Your ex has proven that she isn’t trust worthy and you gotta believe she won’t keep your secret

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