I recently met a girl. She is only visiting the city. We swapped Facebook information, so we can see when someones red a message. We were going to meet at an event we were both going to, but we couldn’t find each other. After I had left she expressed interest in meeting again at a less crowded place. I messaged her the next day asking if she wants to go for a walk. She didn’t reply. Should I message her again? Should I ask her how long she’s in town for?

In general I would say if I know the personal well or have an established relationship, I wouldn’t think much if they didn’t reply to an invite. But if they’re a new friend I guess twice in a row is a sign they aren’t interested in hanging out.

1 comment
  1. When somebody is consistently not responding to you or giving way less effort, stop texting them ! You don’t keep texting them. That’s classic neediness and desperation. You need to be genuinely busy in your life focusing on your goals and hobbies while interacting with other people on the side. Chase excellence, not people.

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