Men who have had a mid life crisis – how old were you and how did it go?

  1. Usually this is just the point where you have the money and time to do some of the things you put off before you can’t.

    Tick Tock motherfucker.

  2. I had a small “mid life crisis” as I turned 40. Not sure why but I just started thinking about all the things that I wanted to do before I got too old. It lasted several months but I am mostly past that feeling. Still want to focus on fun more at this point in my life, when possible at least.

  3. Ha, I may be going through one and not know it.

    For me, I just bought a Jeep Wrangler and love it. But in my defense the car I had before it was 20 years old and I needed a new car. So why not buy one that is a Jeep and I can take the top off?

  4. I was 39 or 40. I bought a drum set. I’ve played drums and percussion since I was 11, but never had the money or space for them before.

  5. Might be having one now. 45M. Looking at my job and peer group, seeing issues that I don’t like, debating major changes.
    In all honesty, I’ve been working a bunch of overtime and work is generally stressful currently, so I’m might just be burned out there. Other things need to change though.

  6. in one now.

    Started a few years ago when my best friend died. Got really bad during the lockdown and I haven’t really come out of it. My mind is screaming at me to GTFO and start anew.

    Unfortunately, I have obligations I can’t just drop and now the internal turmoil brews constantly.

    edit: late 40s

  7. 35. Started dating after my divorce and a couple women introduced me to kink. I went full Christian Grey. It was wild. I stepped away from it since, as I’m much more focused on finding a long-term partner.

  8. I just turned 50 at the beginning of August. I think I may be going through this right now LMAO.
    Several months beforehand I started working out and lost weight. I’ve got plans to get my hair back haha.
    I figure fuck it, been working my entire life, sacrificed the things I wanted for my family. Now it’s time for me to do things that make me feel good.
    Feel selfish a bit but I’m doing it. I feel I deserve it.

    If you aren’t doing things that have a negative impact on your life or those around you then why not right ?

  9. There is no such thing as “midlife crisis”. It’s a shaming tactic post-wall women use to try and force men to abandon their own best interest(and sometimes also their biological instincts) and waste more resources on old, unattractive women’s wants. For example, let’s say you’re a 40 year old man, and you’ve bought a sportscar. One you’ve dreamed about owning all your life.

    Post-wall woman will call anything you do for yourself a “midlife crisis”, because:

    – you’ve spent your own, hard earned, money, on yourself instead of her, which is a threat to her short-to-mid term economic plans
    – if it’s something that could potentially bring you more attention from other(alright, let’s say it: younger, or more attractive) women, it’s perceived as a threat to the livelihood of her and her children, as she’s aware that she’s long past her expiry date and she has nothing she can do to outcompete a woman 10 years her junior

    It’s the same kind of bullshit as post-wall women crying WAATGM and “30yo men flirting with college girls are pedos”: an attempt to shame men into spending resources against one’s own best interest

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