Recently was called this and am confused as to the meaning of the saying, is it a compliment or a nice way to say you’re nice but not date-able?

  1. I guess a woman of a relatable background, approachable and someone to easily feel comfortable with, but a little bit distant. “Not dateable” is quite the opposite of what it means I think, I would argue in many cases it is that you seem “very much dateable” and it might be easy seeing a future with you.

    So maybe I can summarize it like this: “The girl next door is the perfect mix between familiarity and distance, paired with attractiveness.”

    (But this might just be me)

  2. Think “Doris Day’ well before your time so Google her, she was supposed to be the epitome of the girl next door.

  3. someone that’s good as a platonic friend but a relationship isn’t automatically out of the picture

  4. There’s actually a movie that addresses this, by the same name.

    While the phrase is typically thought of as a double-edged sword, it’s usually meant as a compliment. It’s just that people have a bad habit of associating it with objectification, and they get upset about it. Personally, I would never use the phrase. It leaves too much up in the air. But, you can safely assume that the person who said it to you was, at the very least, saying that you’re an attractive woman.

    Whether that would be contextually appropriate or not? I can’t say. Hopefully learning the meaning of the phrase doesn’t make you feel awkward or unsettled.

  5. It means that you are laid back, realistic and nice in personality… And usually are very comfortable/casual in both attitude and appearance.

    It is almost universally a good thing. Whereas women will often become infatuated with larger-than-life men and punch above their weight… Men don’t usually do that. This also is why so many women, who are more likely to obsess over high achievers, feel that they intimidate men. They don’t understand why men would be more attracted to the “girl next door.”

    Men want a home where they are safe to be themselves. It is their escape from the world. The girl next door is the type that makes you feel that you can be yourself. She’s not the supermodel in the red dress that will mock you the second you don’t meet her social standards. She’s the one you can build a life with.

    You aren’t the girl in the club with the entitled attitude. You’re the girl in all the memes…. Cuddling on the couch saying, “this could be us.”

  6. The girl next door trope comes from the cliche in TV shows of the attractive (but less “Model” and more dream girl) neighbor girl who’s often friendly with the male character who he secretly pines for but assumes would never be interested in him.

    She’s America Ferrera in Ugly Betty

    She’s Kirsten Dunce and Zendeya as Mary Jane Watson

    She’s Hinata in Naruto

    She’s Felicity in Arrow

    Topanga in Boy Next Door

    Ginny Weasley in Harry Potter

    Can you tell I’m a nerd ?

    She’s ever 80s movie love interest who shows up at the Prom and blows the popular girl out of the water with her glowup.

    She’s the approachable lovable goofball who’s silently and effortlessly beautiful and drives guys crazy by being the one they can see themselves being with long term not just in bed.

  7. Pretty, popular and nice. The kind of girl who likes to help everyone in the neighbourhood

  8. I always imagined it was the “fantasy girl next door” so a cute, similar aged sexual fantasy.

    I think it’s thought of as a compliment, or creepy depending on if you like being fantasized about

  9. It means that the guy will come in your arms only when he’s rejected or dumped by all the hot girls for who he lusted.

  10. Depends on the person saying it.

    From some people it might mean you’re nice but not their type to date.

    From me, it’s a big compliment, it means you’re cute, wholesome don’t seem like a thot and are the type of person I would consider as serious relationship material.

  11. The girl next door is the perfect mix of sexy and cute. A guy can see a chick and she’s sexy but doesn’t have that I wanna cuddle and watch a movie. Just smashable. Girl next door is wifey material.

  12. Approachable, cute, but not necessarily hot (a good thing for dating). Chill. Relatable.

    Mostly good things.

  13. It’s a very good thing. Most every man wants that girl from next door. You know them, you like everything about them, they know you, you’re approachable and comfortable to be around, essentially every great thing about a person you can think of.

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