My bf and I were having sex with a condom and we finished and when he pulled out the condom stayed inside of me for about 5mins (I don’t really know if it got totally inside but I highly doubt it) when he pulled it out, I checked and seem like nothing had leaked cause it was full and didn’t feel like cum was on the outside, I also checked by putting a finger inside of me (looking for some kind of cum texture but it felt more like my own discharge on not ovulating days) and I even pushed and nothing came out.

I started taking the pill this month and that day was exactly the last day of the first month I started taking the pill.

My question is, can i still get pregnant?

  1. I’ll let ya know in about 4 weeks when I should be getting my period 😂

    Happened to me the other day too – but i think it’s pretty unlikely. At least that’s what I’m telling myself 🤷

  2. It happens to me all the time because of my kung-fu grip orgasms. I haven’t gotten pregnant in 20 years. It’s just anecdotal evidence, but I feel like the odds are in your favor.

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