Men of Reddit who are single, where are you hiding?

  1. Not hiding anything. If I actually got a text back, maybe I wouldn’t be single lol

  2. In all the dating apps, but the algorithms are not allowing us to connect 🥲

  3. I can be found reading a book at my local bar, reading a book at my local coffee shop or reading a book while out at dinner. Basically, if I’m reading a book I’m probably open to being approached.

  4. A symptom of ADHD is Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria which can make even the lightest rejection feel like being blasted in the chest with a 50 Cal bullet. Combine this with the inherent awkwardness I have from being partially to moderately Autistic and you basically have a guaranteed life of loneliness.

  5. Im sitting at the bar by myself having a drink being friendly with the bartender that’s always working. I work in a profession where I see women all day long but it’s deemed inappropriate to hit on them or accept their advances while on the clock. So they just assume I’m not into them and think I’m being friendly. I promise you, I think you are sweet/kind/funny/intriguing and would love to see you outside of my workplace.

  6. going through divorce proceedings. working a bunch and trying to figure out this single dad thing.

  7. In an airport, ready to flee the country because I accidentally made eye contact with a stranger while at a public urinal.

  8. Drowning ourselves in antidepressants, videogames, alcohol, or work.

    …Or not giving a f* anymore if it’s been long enough.

  9. Not hiding, just trying to find a girl who’s actually interested in having a conversation rather than expecting me to keep it going for her!

  10. You probably wouldn’t like us for some reason. Because when you say men you have a kind of attractive and successful men in your mind. But we are probably not that attractive which is the reason why we are single. If you meet with one of us it is probably going to be like:

    “-Oh god where are those men?
    +I’m here
    -god where are other men”

  11. You probably wouldn’t like us for some reason. Because when you say men you have a kind of attractive and successful men in your mind. But we are probably not that attractive which is the reason why we are single. If you meet with one of us it is probably going to be like:

    “-Oh god where are those men?
    +I’m here
    -god where are other men”

  12. We are everywhere! Single man are just like normal people, we go to work, live in a house and do fun stuff!

  13. Home. I’m an introvert and I get anxious in crowds of strangers. I’m not on any apps bc they are some of the most depressing things ever.

  14. Not hiding just not looking or caring at this point. In reality, don’t know what I would do if a woman got interested in me at all. It would be a shock to my system…lol

  15. Not hiding, I’m in plain sight nearly everywhere.

    But I’ve lost faith in dating, so basically gave up on that. People are starting to go crazy with a vengeance, so gave up on them.

    I guess having a moral compass is either an extremely rare thing or an extinct animal. So yeah, I’m hiding from everyone.

  16. I’m off the market.

    I am able to devote a lot more energy to my career than many of my coupled peers, which has contributed to rapid advancement.

    I no longer go to bars. Instead, I have built my own home bar setup, and I mix cocktails myself for a fraction of the price.

    I blaze through my reading list, finishing another book regularly in somewhere between one and two weeks.

    I buy the things that I want, to support the hobbies I enjoy, without having to consult with anybody else. I quite enjoy that.

    I get together with both my single and coupled friends regularly, and never need to worry about the cost, since I’m only paying for one.

    As I’m turning 30 quite soon, I see a lot of my peers already going through their first divorces. I feel lucky to have spared myself that malady, and see little reason to ever take that risk myself with the life I have built for myself.

  17. Not really trying anymore. I came to believe that the right one will spawn into my life when the time is right, mainly due to the fact that searching felt like a waste of time

    After some experience, its really the better option for a person to focus primarily on improving themselves. And whatever must happen, good or bad, will happen eventually at some point in our lives.

    Just work on being a better version of yourself, until the right person walks into your life

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