I was ghosted about 3 weeks ago by someone I thought I had a connection with. I was starting to move on and accept that they were indeed no longer part of my life. But I recently got some news that has made it harder to move on.

One of my friends happened to be looking at the ghost’s social media (I never told my friend to do this btw, they did it if their own accord) and noticed they uploaded old photos of them with their ex, and then took the posts down maybe two days later. I have not contacted the ghost and neither have any of my friends.

Initially I was very mad when I realized I had been ghosted and had no desire to speak to this person. But hearing this story about them posting photos with their ex has kind of made me feel for them. The notion of just being ghosted out of the blue is obviously upsetting and definitely made me very critical of my self.

Knowing this context though, that something may have been going on with their ex, actually makes me less upset. It’s a lot easier to sympathize with them, and I think it’s also kind of given me renewed false hope.

I feel foolish, but there’s still a part of me holding out hope that things could still work out.

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