what is old man name?

  1. I had a great uncle with the name Adolph. For some funny reason no one uses that name anymore.

  2. Funny story

    A local donut shop had a wall where the regulars would hang their coffee mugs. Each hanger had the name of the customer. Names like you’ve just listed. Place went out of business, presumably because the regulars all died off.

  3. Scrolled all the way to the bottom and have yet to see Ralph. Although that’s my name and I’m not old.

  4. Larry. There was a kid in my daughter’s first grade class named Larry and I always pictured him as an accountant for some reason. I imagine he wore a tie to school and had a briefcase instead of a backpack

  5. I played basketball in high school and i had a teammate named Walter. It felt so weird calling him that😖

  6. ​

    * Walter
    * Kurt
    * Willard
    * Lucas
    * Jimbo
    * Thomas
    * Winslow
    * Sylvester
    * Ernest
    * Mitchell
    * Butch

  7. Agamemnon, Menelaos, Imhotep, Ramses, Seti, Achn-Atn, Nebuchadnezzar, Xerxes, Gilgamesh, Enkidu, …

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