Men of reddit what’s the best way to get rid of ball hair?

  1. Start by trimming it down to stubble with electric clippers then get a razor and soap up your nuts in the shower and start shaving. With one hand pull your dick out of the way and stretch your nut sack while shaving with the other. It’s not difficult.

  2. Do not try an electric razor. I repeat: **do not** try an electric razor.

    I’ve done it and that one time was enough for all mankind, unless you’re into some *really hardcore* BDSM.

  3. Wdym just pluck every single one bro you don’t even need tweezers just grab a fist full and yank it

  4. Sugar wax bro all ya need is lemon juice, water and sugar. 😅 my husband makes it through about 3 yanks before he’s ready to just shave it. Gives me a good laugh though

  5. I took advice from a stripper’s AMA. When she was asked about shaving her pubes she said outlined her process which I’ve been following for years now.

    1. Hit the area with lots of hot water first. Wash it all well.

    2. Apply hair conditioner to the entire area.

    3. Pull everything taut and shave it all – folds and everything – with a razor. I use the Shick five-razor thing. (I was surprised none of the folds ever got nicked.)

    4. Rinse with hot water. Re-wash it all with soap and water and rinse again.

    Edit: fixed a spelling errot

  6. Just shave with a razor n the shower. It doesn’t have to be more complicated than that. Worked for me for 20+ years.

  7. not worth the pain of accidentally slicing open the sack.

    trim the dick area and let your balls have a beard. as a treat.

  8. Electric trimmer with a guard. Not a 1 guard, because ball wrinkles will get past it. Do that to get it short.

    Then a good shaving foam and a NEW razor blade. Bay wing the sack to get close

  9. A tight rubber band around the sac, 6 weeks later scrotum will fall off and then you can easily shave them with whatever method you choose, easily.

  10. However you want to do it, never, I repeat, NEVER attempt it unless you arr 100% sober.

  11. Go to a tattoo parlor, tell them you want a tattoo on your scrotum. Let them shave you. Tell them you changed your mind then leave.

  12. Wait until you get be early 70’s (I’m 73). My armpit hair disappeared last year and while I never had much chest chair, it’s also very sparse now. And my balls have little at the crease above my penis but not as much as before.

    My doctor says it could be just getting old; but some of it come from meds I take for prostate cancer and nascent Alzheimer’s. Getting old is such fun.

  13. You don’t. You trim it at most.
    Go 5mm electric trimmer.

    You get the nice feeling of exposure while still having the many benefits of hair in a sensitive, wet place.

  14. Razor to the nut sack with some kind of shaving cream/hair conditioner

    Gentle strokes

    No cuts

  15. It takes time but perfectly doable with a simple disposable razor. Use a buzzer with a short guard to knock down to bulk. Then use an oil like coconut oil as a lube to do the rest with a razor.

    Use the oil and razor to maintain it every few days.

  16. I’ll tell you one thing, it becomes much harder to shave your groin when you are too fat to see your groin.

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