I don’t ever post on reddit, so sorry if my formatting is bad.

I’m a demisexual nb who has effectively no sexual experience and struggles to understand the “normal” sexual attraction that other people feel. Recently I met someone who I really enjoy talking to and feel attracted to, but he has a lot more experience than I do. The issue for me is, he often tells me that he’s never felt so attracted to someone before, that he just has to touch me or look at me and he gets hard. I recently gave him a blowjob and after he came he was still hard (basically no refractory period), which he says has never happened to him before.

I feel silly for asking this here, but is this a thing that can even happen? Can someone feel that attracted to one person and not others, or suddenly not have a refractory period with a new partner? I tried looking up on my own if other people talk about this kind of experience but I haven’t found anything. I don’t know if he’s just saying these things to make me feel good or if he actually means it. He knows I don’t have any experience, and he’s been really great and respectful about my limits, but because he knows he could easily lie about things if he wants to.

Really sorry if this is a weird question, and I’m probably just overthinking things, but any advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to everyone in advance.


Edited because I did mess up the formatting lol

  1. There’s no way to 100% prove it, but I would bet that he’s telling the truth.

    You’re basically asking “Is it possible that this guy is more attracted to me than to anyone he’s been with before?” and the answer is YES.

    I’m very happy for you two (and honestly a bit envious lol)

  2. Yes it absolutely happens. In fact if it isn’t happening then the two people aren’t meant to be together.

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