I get asked this question all of the time from coworkers. I never have anything to share because I don’t really have a life outside of work. All I do on my free time is go on my laptop and browse Reddit, YouTube, etc. I don’t really have any other hobbies. I don’t go out much. I have no friends to hang out with. When I get asked this and I don’t really have anything to say I worry that people judge me for it.

Sometimes I’ll make things up to make my life sound more interesting.

  1. Are you fine with it? I mean… As far as I understand your perspective, you just don’t want to be judged. I don’t think this is would be the case; you don’t have to frame it that way. Just talk about something interesting you saw here or YouTube. If you really have nothing funny to report, you might say that you have difficulties answering this question, so you opened a topic on Reddit. 🙂 Don’t worry too much: everybody is weird in some way or another.

  2. “Nothing much, just chilled. What about you?”

    Doing nothing isn’t as bad as you think it is. Unless you wish to be doing something more, then do it. Completely up to you buddy

  3. Sometimes I’ll respond with ” I have no life, so I did nothing” and give a fake smile after that. Or sometimes I’ll say I just chilled. Depends what kinda mood I’m in. And then always follow it up by asking them what they did. Most people just want to talk about themselves anyways lol.

  4. I always use that as an opportunity to ask what they did and show interest so that next weekend I’d have something to do.

  5. I think the average person actually doesn’t do much. Any response like “I had a relaxing weekend, spent some time laying around without thinking about work. Had mcdonald’s for the first time in a few months. How about you?”

  6. the good thing is, you don’t really have to share anything! you can just go with a vague not much/caught up on housework/saw a movie/etc., and then turn the question back on them. sometimes i jokingly tell my coworkers i had THE BIGGEST NAP EVER. but just relaxing and not doing much on the weekend is a perfectly valid thing to do, and also pretty common – if other people are going to judge you for it, that’s their own issue, and they probably aren’t people you want to talk to much anyway!

    edit: tenses

  7. The amount of times I’ve heard co-workers tell me how jealous they are that I did nothing is staggering. You’d be surprised how many people like the idea of a weekend where you just chilled and did nothing

  8. Just tell then what you did “I hung out at home and did my 2 favorite things—fall down Reddit holes and watch you tube”.

    I would love to be able to say this. Instead with kids it’s more like “I spent 3 hours on Friday night making stupid f-Ing treat bags for my daughters cheer team. Then I picked her up early from a sleep over to go to the football she was cheering at. After I dropped her off I picked up my middle child and drove them to work. On the way home I got KFC so my stepson. Then when I arrived home, I went in the wrong door and let both dogs out so I spent 45 mins running around the neighborhood with my husband trying to catch them. After that I got back in the car to pick my daughter up from her game, then grab the other one from work. By this time it’s almost 5 and I need to make dinner (and by that I mean order take out) bc all three kids are going to friends houses and need to be dropped off so my husband and I can have a “date night” but instead of going to dinner we go grocery shopping and I fall asleep on the couch until 11 pm when I make it up to bed. Then on Sunday I do something similar all over again.

  9. Well maybe this is a sign you should explore some movies/bands, go for walks or bike rides, etc. It’s good to have an outdoor or art-based hobby. Try it.

  10. I have the same issue. But no one asks me what I did, I just don’t have a life or friends. I usually play my Farming Game on my Xbox, or smoke cigars.. that’s about as exciting as my life gets…. I would love to have friends, but I can’t seem to make any where I live.

  11. Tell them exactly what you did. I tell the people at work about the stories on reddit and share YouTube videos. You get a gauge of what they are interested in and you then tend to find post they are interested in and share the post with them. Have built good work friendships based on the crap I find on the internet

  12. Nobody judges you. Honestly when people ask me I tell them I sat in my pants, stuffing my face and watching Netflix all weekend.

    If you don’t wanna kill the conversation or sound boring, follow up with “I’ve been watching x YouTube channel lately, have you heard of it?”


    “It’s about x” and keep going from there.

  13. You need hobbies then my man, if you’re uncomfortable with the situation. I don’t think anyone judges you for chilling on weekends though.

  14. Well you could say you watched this interesting movie or found this amazing singer. What you did on your free time doesn’t really have to be something active like I wwent mountain climbing or surfing.

  15. “I did some serious relaxing”. I’m sure they don’t care that you weren’t skydiving or attending a rave. You can be honest about what you do and just act proud of it.

  16. You choose the life you lead. If you want to have more fun and be adventurous, then do that. If not, then just keep living the life you are.

  17. Don’t compare your “behind-the-scenes” with everyone else’s “trailers.” People upsell their lives constantly because god forbid anyone think that being *them* is boring/uninteresting! That said, if you’re currently bored or depressed, I would definitely start considering exploring hobbies or things that interest you. They really do enrich your life, and you’ll naturally become a more interesting person the more you learn and implement.

    But to be honest, all of our lives are equally uninteresting. We all practically do the same exact things: eat, sleep, watch tv, maybe work out/play sports/work at hobbies. You truly don’t need to ham up your life. Besides, people will shuffle any response (genuine or otherwise) straight to the mental trash bin as soon as your brief conversation is over, so take comfort in that lol.

  18. It’s a good idea to have at least a couple of hours a week that are casually interesting. You don’t have to do a lot, people are perfectly happy to hear a restaurant review.

  19. If you feel you don’t want to lie with your answer, you could simply say, “unspoken.”

  20. Just be honest about what you did or didn’t do. If they judge, that’s their issue not yours.

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