Hello, I’m 7 weeks after birth and I had unprotected sex with my husband today. After 6th week I’ve got my period and it’s still going on(day 6)I called my doctor and he told me that there’s zero chance that I could be pregnant but I read everywhere that it’s not true and the chance of getting pregnant is higher after birth. I’m also exclusively breastfeeding. I’m afraid to take plan b because it could harm my baby through milk..my doctor told me not to take it, also in pharmacy they didn’t recommend taking it and I don’t know..I don’t really want another baby but it’s not like my baby will die when I tAke the pill right? So is there anyone who got pregnant right after birth and what is the chance I could be pregnant?

  1. If you were having your period on the day that you had sex with your husband, you should be fine. If you count the first day of your period as Day One and you’re on Day 6, you will not normally ovulate until Day Fourteen.

  2. Reddit isn’t the best place to get medical advice. If you need a second opinion you could contact Planned Parenthood.

    Your husband should get a vasectomy when you and you’re 100% sure that you don’t want more children. I got a vasectomy after my wife decide that she was one and done.

  3. Your Dr. said there’s ZERO chance? You sure about that? If they did in fact say that, they’re an absolute idiot and you need to find a new Dr. Look up what Irish Twins are, there’s a reason that there’s a term for it, because it’s absolutely possible.

  4. Yes, it can happen. My babies are 11 months apart whoooooopps! But if you’re currently on your period I wouldn’t worry too much because you would have to be ovulating quite early in your cycle which is unlikely.

  5. Request bloodwork HCG to be sure or pump milk then take a plan b if your not ready for another child

  6. My kids are less than 11 months apart. Pretty sure we made the second child exactly 7 weeks after the first was born.

    It’s unlikely, but very possible.

  7. My siblings were born a year and 10 days apart. I have a friend who had two daughters 11.5 months apart. It is absolutely possible.

  8. I know so many people who have had kids 10 or 11 months apart, its absolutely possible.

  9. The internet reports plan B is safe while nursing (ask a pharmacist too, good to have your own information) but you can always pump and bottle feed if you wish.

  10. Yes, they literally say that to you. At least her Dr id. Like hey, you can get preggers right away

  11. Definitely can happen, but listen to your doctor about plan b if you’re nursing. Anything you take can go through your milk, which is why medications are so strict with nursing people.

    See your OBGYN asap if you can.

  12. Highly unlikely youre pregnant because of the bleeding. 99.9% of women dont ovulate while bleeding. Id say wait it out and dont take anymore chances

  13. I’ve got friends who are 10 months apart to the day, and neither premature. Meaning literally just a couple months after giving birth their mom was pregnant again.

  14. Uh, your doctor is very misinformed. Unlikely, yes, but he should not be quoted saying “zero percent chance”, that’s a boldface lie. My husband and brother in law are less than a year apart. My dad and uncle are also less than a year apart. It all depends on your fertility.

  15. If you are still on your period you aren’t pregnant.

    You could have gotten pregnant while having sex on your period but the odds are super low. Maybe not zero like your doctor said, but pretty low.

    You should follow your doctor’s advise.

  16. Well, breastfeeding suppresses ovulation, and theoretically it also suppresses menstruation (periods) if you’re doing it full time.

    All that to say the bleeding could be Lochia (light brown/yellow color) which isn’t your period.

    All this to say, you should probably get a second opinion. You can also (and should at least heavily consider) place an emergency IUD (which is the standard of care post pregnancy these days in a normal, vaginal delivery).

    Of note, emergency IUDs have a higher success rate than the pill and won’t affect your breastfeeding.

  17. Yup.
    A mum in my mothers group fell pregnant when she had sex 3 weeks after giving birth.

  18. You’re supposedly more fertile after giving birth. And since your body already knows what to do, might conceive faster

  19. Yes, you can get pregnant that soon after giving birth. It is unlikely if you are exclusively BF (as this is a natural contraceptive) but not impossible (source: I am a midwife and it happens a lot more than people think!!)

    In terms of Plan B while BF, this is what Plan B’s website says:
    “Yes, you can use Plan B when you are breastfeeding. In general, no harmful effects of progestin‑only pills, like Plan B, have been found on breastfeeding performance or on the health, growth, or development of the infant. However, random cases of decreased (less) milk production in mothers have been reported.”

  20. You can have an IUD placed in the next few days that will prevent a pregnancy from implanting and provide ongoing hormonal or non hormonal birth control until you have it removed.

  21. From what the post NATAl team told us…. You are more fertile after birth than ever with all the hormones.

  22. A friend of mine conceived just a couple of weeks after she gave birth. It’s absolutely possible.

  23. What the heck is with people not using condom as a default? Do men have so fragile ego that using it is the worst thing in existence. In mother baggage in my country there is always condoms in there. I tought it was common sense.

  24. A friend of mine admonished my wife and I after our first. She had gotten pregnant like a month or so after giving birth. She said “Soooo, isn’t it great that you don’t have to worry about getting pregnant for a while?” And we were like, oh yeah, it’s been great! And then her face got really serious and she was all like “IT’S NOT TRUE. USE CONDOMS.” And we were like, whoa, ohhh… “And she was all like, yeah, my kids are less than year apart and we used to think the same thing.” so, luckily we learned OUR lesson from someone else’s experience, haha.

  25. Doctor here: if you’re breastfeeding it is unlikely to get pregnant again so soon. It is possible. I would trust your doctor.

  26. Plan B One Step specifically states kn their site:

    Can I take Plan B if I’m breastfeeding?
    Yes, you can use Plan B when you are breastfeeding. In general, no harmful effects of progestin‑only pills, like Plan B, have been found on breastfeeding performance or on the health, growth, or development of the infant. However, random cases of decreased (less) milk production in mothers have been reported.

    SO YES IT IS SAFE. Who is telling you these lies???

    If you are than concerned, consider pumping or switching to formula for the short term

  27. Are you sure it’s your period and you are not still bleeding from giving birth? If you are exclusively breastfeeding I think it’s quite unlikely you are having a period so soon. I didn’t get mine for a almost a year after my first two children, and going on two years for my third.

    ETA – to answer the actual question, yes you can get pregnant again very quickly, although IMO it sounds unlikely in this case. But as others have said, speak to professionals, and don’t scare yourself with random internet opinions. Please take care, and good luck 🙂 x

  28. You are more fertile after giving birth. But did you say that you’re on your period? If so, then you’re most likely not pregnant. Maybe that’s why your doctor said it’s impossible.

  29. You’ve literally asked the experts and are now asking strangers on the internet. Accept what your doctor and pharmacy told you.

  30. Anything can happen, but chances are pretty low. Of course everybody who knows someone who got pregnant a week after giving birth is commenting here, but those are outliers. Here’s a study finding that most women don’t ovulate for months after giving birth: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2001754/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2001754/)

    I don’t think anyone can tell you the chances better than your doctor–it would involve being familiar with your body’s hormone cycles, how easily you get pregnant in general, etc. Lots of doctors are idiots, but your doctor, if he’s been doing his job at all, knows your body better than a bunch of Redditors.

  31. UK midwife here. Yes it is absolutely possible to get pregnant straight after having a baby, your actually extremely fertile after giving birth (even while your bleeding as the egg could implant into an area which is not bleeding). Your cervix is still open, (easier for sperm to swim on through) and your womb and womb lining is full of blood and nutrients making it an ideal environment for implantation.
    There is severe lack of evidence to support breastfeeding as a form of contraception, plenty of women breastfeed for years and have children close together 🤷‍♀️ Hope this helps ❤️

  32. Sperm is only viable for about 5 days in the body. Since your period is ongoing the odds of actually ovulating in the next 5 days after today is *extremely* small. If the egg is not available to fertilize when the sperm are still viable, it won’t be fertilized.

  33. I mean, most people don’t ovulate while on their period. It’s super rare. Also, this might not even be your period. It could be breakthrough bleeding. I had it around 6/7w and then didn’t have a period until my kid was 13 months old!

    I would not take plan B, but that’s me. You have a better chance of winning the lottery than getting pregnant right now. Sure, Irish twins happen but NOT while you’re on period! Most people ovulate in the middle of their cycle, not while they’re bleeding.

    EBF + bleeding + just gave birth? 99.9% not gonna be pregnant.

  34. It is very possible. That is why they tell you not to have unprotected sex for 18 months and to use protection. You can get pregnant again in as little as 3 weeks after giving birth, even if your period hasn’t restarted.

    Because of your hormones, your fertility is heightened, making the implantation of the embryo much higher – somewhere around 50% compared to the normal 20%.

    But if you just had sex today, there is no way of knowing for at least 2 weeks.

  35. It’s like /r/badwomensanatomy in here.

    OP: [here is a resource discussing hormonal birth control and contraceptives post partum.](https://www.llli.org/breastfeeding-info/birth-control/) If you are stressed out about this, call La Leche League. Or better yet, get a second opinion from another doctor.

    But, IMO, it is much more likely that you are still having intermittent lochia (which can flare up again for some women between weeks 5 and 8 and even after a full week of zero spotting) than it is for you getting your period 6 weeks after birth while feeding consistently day and night.

    With that said, you are EXTREMELY UNLIKELY to get pregnant coming off your period. Remember, you ovulate 12-14 days before the start of your period. If you count day 1 of your period and have a 28 day cycle, you still have a full 6-8 days before you could feasibly get pregnant. Your doctor is right, it is EXTREMELY unlikely for you to get pregnant at this time in general, let alone if you haven’t actually gotten a true period.

    /r/sex is good for a lot of things, but safe sex stats and pregnancy stats it is not. The majority of people in here have not had kids and are quite young, so they are extremely risk averse and also likely dealing with incredibly crappy educations in human anatomy.

    So I repeat: YOU ARE REALLY NOT LIKELY TO BE PREGNANT. And, separately, this is about the time that PPD can manifest. So if you are finding yourself battling intrusive thoughts, unusual amounts of anxiety, feeling afraid of going outside or finding yourself engaging in obsessive or compulsive behaviors, call your doctor ASAP. The faster you catch PPD, the faster you can treat it.

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