One of my breasts has a lump on the inside when i press down, I’m only 15 and I’m scared its like cancer or something what do i do??

  1. While it’s not likely cancer at your age, it’s worth showing your doctor. Don’t be scared, doctors deal with questions like these all the time and they’ll be eager to quickly rule out anything scary. Chances are it’s something else benign, but don’t ignore it either. As a hypochondriac myself, trust me when I say a chat with the doc will make you feel better even if they don’t get answers right away.

  2. I had the same thing when I was your age, best thing you can do is talk to your parents and go to your doctor, very unlikely is cancerous

  3. You want a doctor to check it out. She/he will know what to do. Tell your mother or father who can help you get an appointment.

  4. Try not to panic. I had the same thing happen to me when I was a junior in high school. I felt what I swore was a lump. I told my mom right away and she was very supportive and got me into a doctor, even though I know now that she already knew it was nothing. I got an ultrasound and a breast exam and they said it was nothing. It was just breast tissue/fat. Sometimes the tissue CAN feel like lumps and sometimes you may feel “lumpy” one day and not the next, especially in girls your age where your breasts are still developing every day. Try to stay calm and tell your mom right away. Or if your mother isn’t an option, tell an aunt, cousin, someone who can help you.

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