Are you willing to wait until she’s ready or do you find sexual compatibility very important in the beginning of dating?

If no, then why?

Would you not consider your relationship “exclusive” until you’re sexual active with her, which would allow you to have sex with women?

Like how many days, weeks, or months are you willing to wait.

What is the hard limit before you walk away?

And no political correct answers, I need brutal honest truth.

  1. If she really is about taking sex seriously. That its a intimate/sacred act of romance. 3-6 months. Not because of lack of sex but by that time I would make up my mind if i actually like you personality wise.

  2. As long as she needs. It’s an important change for her and I would want her to be all in and happy.

  3. I think in a meaningful or trustful relationship physical needs are at the last in my opinion. But the pure love and true feelings is more than a physical connection and with due respect the sexual need doesn’t matter at all in beginning or i could say that sex should be done after the marriage with both agreement
    With this i remembered “My desire has overtaken the desire of the body and has become the desire of the soul” so i think sex doesn’t matter in beginning i think it should be after the mutual understanding is same

  4. Its a bit complicated , let me explain

    Im not seriously dating unless im astonished by the girl, then she has every leverage on me, i can be a legitimate slave and to answer your question then yes i can wait even up to like 8 months idc…

    If our relationship is like whatever then i expect some sex on a month or so… but nothing aggressive, if she declines im open to discuss but i have to get something out of the relationship. Thats the whole point..

  5. I’d wait til they are comfortable. A relationship isn’t just about sex and for me compatibility is most important so a timeframe without is alright in my mind.

  6. Already waiting for 2 years… She wanna take things slowly, so we’re waiting for that.

  7. I think I’d wait for a few months. I’m totally ok with waiting for a while but I don’t think it takes more than a few months for someone to know if they feel comfortable and safe with another person

  8. Ill answer in my way to this…

    How many dates max will i go without sex
    I would break off as soon as 6-10 dates.

    Personality and in general “how fun” are you to hang with matters too

    If you ultra reserved, shy quiet, not present, not dtf ever, and super off putting its gonna be a nope mid-first date

    If your super fun and im eleated to spend time i can roll with that 3 months.

    Non toxic people are chill so just talk to them about it, this is a great filter cause if they flip out its the wrong person.

    Take time to think about what you want outta life though

    Wish you the best

  9. Got a buddy who sleeps around and met this girl who is abstinent, Christian and waiting for marriage. Man became a saint because “once you know, you know.” He’s waiting and pursuing her.

  10. As a virgin male I would also want to take things slow, so I’d wait until she’s ready. Although I would def start dropping hints around a few months in. I don’t think I’d go a full year tho. I get wanting to take things slow, but ppl move at different paces and if you’re slow is different from my slow then maybe we just weren’t meant to be. Also, love the username OP, hella relatable

  11. Maybe it’s just me but your wording here seems unusual.

    Is she attracted to me and just wants to wait until she’s ready for sex? If that’s the case, she can have all the time she needs.

    If she’s not sure if we’re sexually compatible and she’s trying to figure that out? Maybe 3 weeks? But I move slower than most guys in this regard.

  12. I am willing to go as slow as possible. My gf now wanted to go slow with dating and no labels etc just cause of her past and her healing.

  13. I mean, my primary reason for being in a relationship is having someone to share my interests with and vice versa and just someone to spend time with.

    Cuddling and making out are also important so if we’re doing that at least I’d be perfectly fine waiting for a year to have sex.

    Emotional compatibility is so much more important to me.

    I’m also kind of old fashioned when it comes to this. I’ve only slept with one person and that was my ex who I loved a lot. I think sex is an important thing and I would want to only share it with someone I loved.

    Point being, sex wouldn’t be the threshold for exclusivity for me. How much I cared for them and loved them would be.

  14. Is there other physical stuff going on past 1st base or are we talking all sexual contact?

  15. Brutal honesty? Depending on age, most men and women wouldn’t wait past 3mo.

    Sexual compatibility is a thing. Both quality and quantity are important. And nothing sucks worse than dating someone for months on end just to find out you’re incompatible.

    Obviously this doesn’t mean throw yourself at the first guy you meet, just have to prepare for rejection. And don’t get defensive if they do, because they get a say about their sex life same as you.

    Also, I’d avoid telling people you’re a virgin right off the bat, but you should tell whoever you’re seeing your taking a hiatus from sexual intimacy at the moment. Once you’re comfortable, maybe second or third date you can let them know you’re a virgin.

    Reason being if you want them to wait you should give them the courtesy of knowing why. However some people are creeps who go virgin hunting. It’s a careful balancing game.

    Good luck!

  16. I’m actually waiting for marriage, so I guess I’m very old school on this topic

  17. Brutally honest, I can only speak for myself but sexual compatibility is important to me. I find most women actually dont want to wait and would prefer a take charge kind of guy. At least to make some type of move right away, doesn’t have to be sex.

    I dont consider anything exclusive until we both talk about it and agree. Sex or not.

    As far as how long would I wait? Just depends. I wouldn’t be exclusive without the sex first to see if we are compatible. If she says no sex but we can play around and do other things to take care of each other I’d be willing to wait a bit longer but I dont have an exact time frame. A few dates maybe idk

  18. Dude, I get that sexual compatibility is important in a relationship, but if you’re not willing to wait for as long as it takes for her to be ready, then you’re not compatible and you shouldn’t be with her.

  19. Its weird bc here there’s guys who are saying they’re willing to wait – but from my experience literally nobody waits… maybe Im just not worth waiting for heh

  20. My gf is a virgin, it’s been over a year and we are just starting to almost change it. I know some dudes that wouldn’t wait more than 1 date before going to the next person

  21. I used to be ok with it but then I grew up. Taking things slow is fine but I would have to already be invested enough for that to happen. Today I just broke things off with a girl I had been seeing on and off sense April. She says she’s a virgin and wants to wait for someone to commit. Problem was she’s not really willing to put anything towards a relationship. Couple that with not wanting sex. Yeah. Pass. I’m out.

  22. Since I’m 22 and enjoy sex, probably 7 dates would be my limit until I just moved on to other people.

  23. As a virgin myself I will wait as long as needed. Especially if I love her as much as I’d hope. Yes sex is something I really want in my life, but I’m honestly more in need of other ways of intimacy like kissing and holding each other and overall being together when we can. That’s the stuff I really want more of in my life.

  24. I really like this girl, waited 1.5 years and had no problems with it at any point cause I really liked her. 5 year anniversary coming up soon. It’s really different for everyone

  25. I could literally write a full paragraph on this, but I’ll just leave it at this.

    If I love who I’m dating, then I’ll want to make them happy and to make them feel safe and valid. So if they weren’t interested in sex, I wouldn’t pressure them for it or walk away, I’d keep dating them and have an amazing relationship with them.

  26. Bro I’m waiting till marriage. I think this is a question for the girl who’s tryna date me LMAOOO

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