I’ve had a crush on this guy for a few months now lets call him Luke he (M16) had also had a crush on me (M15) for a while now and just today he told me that he had a crush on a guy but wasn’t sure about it it since he thought he was straight but he also thought he was kinda Bi now since he liked a guy and a girl and to be honest I feel the same I was so confused because I have never felt this much attraction towards the same gender only towards females and after he told me about his crush (didn’t say it was me he didn’t want to say the name but described me) I decided to tell him that I had a crush on a guy too but I wanted him to know that he was my crush, I teased him and let him guess the name of my crush (him) after what felt like 2 hours he sent a 1 time photo and the description of the photo had said his name with a “?” At the end, my heart was racing so fast I couldn’t think straight I replied and said “Geez took you this long” he took a few seconds to reply and admitted that his crush that he had been talking about was me, and after that he wrote a nice introduction of himself and at the end of it he had ask me to be his boyfriend, my heart dropped as I read it I told him that I needed to think about it since I am still confused about the whole sexuality thing and honestly I think the hardest part about thinking about it was my parents and religion I am scared my parents won’t support me in my decision and might kick me out of the house so I’d rather tell them when I am able to take care of myself anyways I am still trying to think about it and I might need help deciding since I am still confused about what’s going on.

TLDR: I liked this guy for a while and he liked me to and today he admitted his feelings towards me and I so did I then he asked me to be his boyfriend and I am still thinking about it please help

  1. I’m so sorry your parents wouldn’t be supportive of you and whatever your sexuality is. I wish you luck and peace

  2. It’s okay to be unsure about your sexuality and you don’t have to label yourself as anything. You are young and now is the perfect time to date and see what kind of people you like and who you are sexually interested in.

    That being said, if you do find that you are not straight, it is okay to stay closeted for your own safety. If your parents wouldn’t accept you and you may risk losing your support, it is best to save up and move out as soon as you can rather than come out and risk being abused or becoming homeless.

  3. You don’t need to be in a rush to label yourself, first off. I also don’t want to encourage you to come out to your parents if you aren’t safe to do so. I do think though that you should be honest with Luke about all this, and have an open conversation about it, just ’cause I don’t think it’d be fair to just give no explanation or nothing. I think you both should talk about what a relationship would look like, just so you would know what to expect and what he would expect

    All the best to you both <3

  4. You don’t have to put a label your sexuality, finding out is part of life and discovering who you are. I’m (29F) bi but on the ace spectrum and it took all the way to my mid to later 20s to come to an understanding of myself.

    Some days I like men and masc presenting more. Some days women and fem presenting more. And often neither.

    If you want to try dating and seeing where it goes with this boy, there is no harm in it. You can let him know you’re unsure of your sexuality because until now you thought you just liked girls and so you don’t know if you like both, or if this guy is a one off but you just know that in this moment you would like to try dating if you do want to try dating him and seeing where it goes.

    Regarding your family, be safe and don’t put yourself at risk to face backlash, it can come in multiple forms and your safety comes first to everything else. Online spaces are a great way to get through times and explore and meet others you can talk to in the lgbtq community while you’re options are limited as an underage person or someone who is financially dependent on your family.

    Edit: You can also explore through reading lgbtq works. Red, White and Royal Blue is cute. If you like fandom spaces, you can also explore by reading fic as it is free and the best works I’ve ever read have been fanfics.

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