How old were you when you first got stretch marks?

  1. As young as 12, I was always a fat kid and my stomach kept getting bigger till I have blue stretch marks.

  2. I’ve never been fat but have had stretch marks since 12. I have some on my breasts from when they first developed I assume. It felt like overnight I went from negative A cup to D’s in 6th grade. My inner thighs have had stretch marks for as long as I can remember as well! Again, I’ve always had a good physique, getting better with age (still young tho) and I’m just so happy I’m past the years of being self conscious about them! As Kendrick would say “show me something natural like ass with some stretch marks.”

  3. I have them on my bum and I feel like I was born with them. I don’t even remember when I started having them but I was a chubby kid then lost a lot of weight.

  4. 15. My kidneys failed and I gained about 75lbs of fluid over the course of a weekend and almost had congestive heart failure.

  5. I don’t remember the exact age but I remember noticing them on the inside of my thighs as a teen.

    I grew 4.5” in one year. Skin couldn’t keep up with my bones I guess.

  6. 14 about. I was so tiny and so skinny, my hips were forming and my doctor was making me drink milkshakes to gain weight. I had a problem with gaining any weight. After that not until I was 24 or 25 and pregnant at the very end, I ran out of my green goo belly balm and the orders cause of Covid took FOREVER and in the time of not moisturizing I got my first stretch marks. i don’t think I would of stretched if I was still applying it. I went all that time with not stretching. My skin was so dry feeling towards the end of pregnancy… hormones were out of wack.

  7. I have had them on my butt since I was a baby. Something was wrong with my skin when I was an infant

  8. 10ish? I grew too tall too fast and still have horizontal marks across my back. I’m told it looks like a tiger clawed me, so that’s the story I go with

  9. Middle school age, I’m fat so I got them stomach stretch marks. Didn’t think much of it tbh since it’s just skin to me.

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