TLDR: ever since i (18F) was 13 i’ve been taken and want to experience the “single” life & go out but i feel restricted because i’m with my current bf (20M). i feel guilty about it. what should i do about these thoughts?

i have been taken for most of my teenage years, ever since i was 13. because of this, i haven’t really explored the single life, and sometimes when i’m alone i think about what it would be like, or how my life would be different. not in a way that i WANT to be single, but curiosity still.

i am a pretty outgoing and flirtatious person by nature, and so are my friends. most of my close friends are single and often tell me about their fun parties and nights out that i haven’t experienced myself. there is a part of me that really wants to experience that easygoing lifestyle too, but my friends feel like i shouldn’t participate because i’m taken.

i can’t help but feel guilty. i don’t have any urge to cheat on him, it’s not about that. it’s more about being free to do as i want without people judging me for being taken. how should i approach this situation?

1 comment
  1. If you don’t want to be in a relationship, you don’t have to be in a relationship. It’s that simple. He doesn’t have to do anything horrid for you to want to give being single a try. You’re very young still, you should do what you want.

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