My coworker is a narcissistic bully, I have been putting up with her crap for a couple years now. (Before it wasn’t so bad, but after covid they downsized and it’s just me and her in the office, so i have to listen to her complaining about the job, the food, her interactions with others, arguing with her sister on the phone, arguing with other employees all day. Sometimes it’s comical and entertaining but other times it’s absolutely annoying. She has temper tantrums and cries. Its a roller-coaster working with her.

95% of the time I try to ignore her to keep the peace but in the past 6 months I have had to contact my union rep about her 2x, (she was trying to tell me how to do a job, she is not management, actually i was doing a task that she had quit because she had failed at it, so whenever i have to do this job there’s tension with her) and I contacted management 2 months ago for an outburst from her.

She blew up on me the other day and called me a motherf*cker because she said I was being sarcastic. I have put up with a lot of sarcasm from her.
She also called me a Rat for contacting union/management on her. She accused me of wanting to take her job. She also said, “After all I did for you, you go and rat on me!” What that means is, 10 years ago I was in the ICU and she visited me every night. I was in a coma and did not remember her visiting but I did remember the other coworkers and friends who came when I was conscious. But after I got out I must have said that I didn’t remember her visits and it got her mad back then and from her recent comment, she’s still mad. This is the crap she pulls, she’s still mad that another worker who didn’t bring her a coffee but brought coffees for the others, 20 years ago.

Calling me names was the final straw, I met with management the next morning (she called out sick, it’s something she does) and they told me write a formal complaint letter, which I did and they said they’d figure it out with the union or whatever. I don’t really care what they do with her, I’m more concerned that there were no witnesses and she’ll deny it. She has outright lied in the past over petty stuff. Also the aftermath with her. I had to work with her today and I got the silent treatment. NOT that I wanted to talk, it’s just I hate the tension that goes along with it. I just want to go to work without tension, mood swings, listening to complaints. She doesn’t even know about the complaint yet, omg, she is going to explode. And that’s her fault, I’m not going to allow her to call me names and get away with it.
Any pointers as to what to do if she denies this? Any ideas as how to argue with it with her because I have tried and given up because it will turn into a screaming match. She will talk nonstop while I’m talking, if I get a chance to speak she’ll start right in again by interrupting and talking over me.

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