My fellow Americans and our cousins from abroad, I welcome you to post your “meat and potatoes” recipe. We are always talking about things in terms of “meat and potatoes” but I can honestly say that I have never experienced such a specific meal, despite living here all my live. Does anyone have a great recipe they want to share?

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  2. You’ve never had steak, or pot roast with mashed, baked, or broiled potatoes?

    That’s kinda wild to me, it was a pretty standard dish growing up.

  3. Chicken sandwich, make it spicy, add fries on the side. You could also grill some hamburgers, add cheese, and have fries on the side.

  4. Tonight we had bone in pork chops cooked in the cast iron. Mashed potatoes and gravy. Topped with caramelized onions.

  5. Literally any meat product served alongside literally any potato dish is “meat and potatoes”.
    The phrase is more an idiom than a description of a specific meal.

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