Would you move over to Mexico? What are your reasons for not moving there?

  1. No thanks. I enjoy the cool weather and the rain in the Pacific Northwest. If I moved that far south, I would roast for sure.

  2. Depends on where. Anywhere along a coast, sure. Mexico City, not so much. It’s really about the heat. Oh, and the cartels.

  3. Yeah I’d love to go see what it is like over there. Not stay forever. It would also give me an opportunity to learn Spanish I guess.

  4. No, so I am divorced and have minor kids. My divorce decree says I can’t move more that 50 miles without going to court or leaving the kids behind…

  5. Depends on where. I really like Guadalajara and Mexico City can be really cool. Tijuana is only a few miles away from where I live now, so I’d probably be okay with that as long as I didn’t need to cross much.

    I would not want to live in Juarez.

  6. Probably not. I don’t speak much Spanish and I feel like we have better amenities where I live.

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