I’m a super quiet person and have never talked at work. I’m trying to change and be more open and talk more. There is this girl there that I really like, I can’t stop thinking about her. It’s so bad to the point I dreamed about her last night. On my attempt of talking today, I found out she was single. I have barely talked to her in person. I have seen her stare at me a couple times, but I don’t know if it’s because she likes me or just because I’m so quiet. I want to message her and get to know her, but I’m super nervous that it would be weird because we don’t talk at all. Like at all. We exchange a couple sentences every 5 months, and it’s all work related. I don’t think I have the balls to talk to her in person. It was already hard enough talking to my coworkers today, and I’m so worried about annoying her or her thinking I’m weird. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  1. Just keep it simple and polite. If she rejects you don’t overthink it and just move on about your day. A no isnt the end of the world and there are millions of other women out there at the end of the day.

  2. I’d say it doesn’t matter you send it, but I would try interacting in person first.

  3. You need to interact with her in person to check the vibes before sending texts

  4. You should try talking to her in person first then message her maybe asking something work related and switch the topic to something else.. see? Smooth lol

  5. My advice would be do it, just send a message. You can be confident and shy at the same time. As a woman I can tell you most of the time we find it really cute when the shy person makes a move anyways, and confidence is attractive, so that plays in your favor. She wont think you’re weird or annoying dont worry about that.

    Realistically, the worst that will happen is that you wont end up being on the same wavelength and thats totally normal and okay, the important is that you shot your shot. Wishing you the best tho c:

  6. Try to interact with her ..engage In convos…no matter how silly they may seem..gauge her..and then proceed.It will save a lot of time

  7. No. Never date co workers. Just don’t do it. Your company probably has a policy forbidding it too.

  8. Creep is a verb. Creeping up is when you approach but never arrive. To avoid being creepy you must go to her with a take it or leave it attitude and if she dont take it then leave it.

  9. not doing it guys, cant jeopardize my working environment over some girl. if it didn’t work out things would be extremely uncomfortable. i already have a decent image and people respect me the way i am, i dont want to be known as the creepy dude asking out everyone. sorry to get your hopes up, if you even had them lol

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