Guys I Hook up with tell me I’m beautiful and that I’m sexy and stuff but then during sex they’re scared to touch my belly or go hard during missionary because my thighs clap. I wanna know if I can say or do something to get past that with them? Like can I just tell them to grab me where ever and that I like it? Or should I just deal with the fact that some guys are scared or things like that?

  1. No guy is going to grab your belly. If you want them to tell them.

    The safe assumption is that you’re sensitive about being chubby and they’re not going to fuck up sexy time by playing with your belly.

    you want it ask (or put their hands on it while they fuck you) and if you want them to go hard in missionary, tell them to fuck you harder.


    Me and hte missus are both , er , (chubby is being nice haha) when we go at it in most positions something slaps somehwere.

    we got used to it, they will too.

  2. Tell them to fuck you harder. Encourage them to touch you where you want to be touched. Rub your belly for them and tell them to squeeze it while they fuck you.

  3. Ask them! I was extremely insecure about that until my current sexual partner just did it and I realized how much I enjoyed it and how much I wish I would’ve asked sooner from previous sexual partners. If you don’t ask they won’t do it, not because they don’t want to or don’t think about it but for the most part out of respect for you and your possible insecurities. But whatever you do don’t wait until you come across a man that’s not scared to just do it or you’ll wait a long time like I did.

  4. You can guide their hand or even ask, but guiding is probably smoother. Guys are used to women being insecure about their bellies, so touching it is usually considered a no-no. Actually took a few months for me to get there when my wife and I started dating, because she was especially insecure. Like wearing a shirt during sex with all of her previous partners level of insecure.

    So she brought it up and my answer was “because every part of you is sexy, it turns me on to touch you.”

    That was enough for her, nowadays she makes sure that her belly doesn’t go without attention for too long.

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