So I (21 M) need help meeting people and finding dates.

This is gonna be a long one, thank you in advance if you read all of it. Essentially I haven’t had an irl relationship longer than a few months since I was 15. I had a long distance ltr in hs, and shortly into my 2 other ltr’s (a little over a year each) I moved cross country, so I haven’t had much experience being in a romantic relationship irl in years. I’ve had a few hookups or short talking phases between relationships but even then feel my social skills have been lacking.

About a year ago I moved to a pretty small town, but it’s close to a bigger town, but it’s definitely still small town Texas feel. In the last year the most romantic action I’ve gotten was an on again off again talking phase that lasted all summer. It’s hard finding people in the first place, and it feels like when I do get the chance I always end up ghosted before a first date or the chemistry dies quickly. I’m a person that enjoys working on themselves (working out, eating well, etc) and feel Im lacking in some department in this case. The best option for meeting people that I’ve found here is dating apps and those are usually bust. Is there any advice anyone can give on maintaining a budding relationship or even just getting into position to start talking with someone?

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