When I’m with people I am overwhelmed with the anxiety that they all don’t actually like me and that they are just around me because they feel bad for me. If I am not anxious around people, I am feeling drained from having to talk to others. When I’m alone I am overwhelmed with the anxiety that I am wasting my time being alone instead of trying to be with people. Anytime someone is interested in me as a romantic partner I feel a deep sense of dread that I can’t shake off. This mindset is hurting my friendships and it’s definitely the reason I haven’t been in a serious relationship yet. I know I need therapy and just needed a place to vent.

  1. I am plagued by these very feelings. All we can do is strive to find “anchors” in the moment—listening to your interlocutor’s voice, appreciating the weather, feeling the pressure of your palms on your knees, etc. Moments in which my self-consciousness fades away are rare, but very rewarding.

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