In what ways over the years have you dealt with and/or grown from your biggest self perceived flaws be they mental, emotional, or physical?

1 comment
  1. Journaling, I perceive myself as a much better and more self aware person when I take the time to journal every day. That in combination with regular exercise has helped me become the best version of myself. Im only 30 and I’ve been through way more than the average person, from growing up in an abusive drug filled home, to having a severely disabled child with over 15 major surgeries so far, and the very untimely passing of my wonderful husband, and having to figure out how to go from house wife to sole provider of young kids (with disabilities). My flaws are mostly mental, but my ability to process them and turn them into strengths is what has kept me going and made life a more overall positive experience. Don’t underestimate the power of the pen. When Journaling becomes about self reflection and less about complaining or telling a story you realize that you are in charge of who you become.

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