Gamers, what’s a genre of video games that you will just never touch with a ten-foot pole?

  1. MMO RPG’s like WoW, LoL, Dota etc. I have no bad feelings towards people who do play them, I can see why. They aren’t for me though. Or anything turn based.

  2. The only sports game I will play is tiger woods golf. All the others are a total no go

  3. Visual Novels might as well read a real book.

    Dating Sims are just cringe.
    Besides that ill play anything fun

  4. I honestly hate sports games. If I can’t all tecmo bowl out blitz then I’m not going to play. I also would hate having to buy a new game, every year, for the same product with a different guy on the cover.

  5. Real time strategy, just too much micro managing, it feels like work to me, I can see why people like them. I do like turn-based though.

  6. Sports, racing, battle royale. And maybe not a genre but if it’s free to play I just don’t bother anymore no matter the genre.

  7. Not a fan of PvP. I play games to relax and constantly getting ganked 2 seconds after starting a game is not relaxing.

  8. Multiplayer. I have tried a couple of times when they were offered with a single player game. I just get my ass handed to me. No thanks.

  9. There’s a few, never been a fan of MOBAs, RTS, or the old school tactical RPGSs (anything with turn based combat that isn’t Pokémon is an immediate turn off).

    Also probably any MMO that isn’t World of Warcraft, but in all honesty I don’t think picking it back up would be a good idea even if Wrath classic is enticing.

  10. 1rst person shooters, Sports games, fighting games, or action games that don’t have an rpg element.

    It is almost a requirement that a game have an rpg element for me to get into it.

  11. Anything that’s pay to win or has any type of micro transactions beyond purely cosmetic skins.

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