Why do ages 25 and over clubs exist when the legal drinking age limit is younger?

  1. Didn’t know this was a thing, but as someone 25+ I’d rather go to these kind of club rather than club full of 18yo

  2. Maybe because they know the chances of a person over 25, disputing a charge or racking up Credit Card debt high tabs are lower and cleaner money will come in

  3. Over 25 bars legit check your ID. They’re a no-go for not only fake ID holders, but the general college populous. In my city these bars are essentially “social safe-spaces”. Weekends are overrun by the college kids, many of whom carry fake IDs since they’re under 21.

    25+ bars have reputations of confiscating fakes and just rejecting anyone under 25, so college kids usually leave these bars (and the surrounding block) alone. This leaves people a space where there isn’t a 21-year-old kid celebrating his birthday by vomiting on the shoulder he just passed out onto.

  4. More mature clientele. Preferably ones already established with jobs, knows how to handle their liquor, doesn’t act like pissed off teenagers, honestly I could go on and on.

  5. Probably because they don’t want the amateur drinkers…keep it professional people…

  6. Because over 25’s want to be able to drink without some fools starting a fight and be able to each each other talk

  7. Because they still act like idiots. It also makes it harder for those with fake ID’s to get in.

  8. Because you’re still stupid at 21. We don’t want to deal with it. Grow up some more and come back

  9. If you’re in your late 20’s or early 30’s hanging out with 21 year olds can get creepy real quick.

  10. To placate the men in their thirties who still like to go out but follow the age/2+7 rule.

  11. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

    From my experience, people under 25 are irresponsible, feel like they understood the world, which they didn’t. Most i met go to a college, never worked in their life, dream about soft communism and feel entitled to everything.

    On the other hand, i am sure a 30 year old would say the same about 25 year olds and so on.

  12. It targets a more mature, professional clientelle. It says loud and clear what the standards of the bar/club are and what is expected of the customers. Most importatly, it communicates to **women** than this is a safe and friendly place to go out for a fun time, not a college-age meat market. If you can get mature, respectable women in, mature and respectable **men** will follow.

    It is also a subtle way of informing potential customers what the prices are probably going to be without actually saying it. None of this $2.50 shot student night stuff. You will get quality drinks/entertainment, but you will have to pay higher prices for it. This alone weeds out certain undsireables.

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