My partner and I have been together a bit of 2 years both in our early 20’s.

She’s stated she always had a low sex drive gets horny once a week if that and has never masturbated. She gets horny maybe about 50% of the time I initiate stuff otherwise she’s not in the mood/ mindset for sex.

I on the other hand have quite a high sex drive and and masturbate daily and multiple times sometimes.

Whenever we do stuff we never go the full way to sex either and there’s a multitude of reasons; worried about pregnancy even with protection, my dick has caused pain in the past although not recently and the mess due to lube etc.

Every aspect of the relationship is great and we even live together, I’m just getting sexually frustrates and want to have sex instead of wank, receive the occasional blowjob/handjob.

I don’t want to break up but would suggesting an open relationship or something be a good idea. Alternatively how should I communicate my frustration in a manner that won’t offend or make her feel like I’m blaming her.

  1. If you already know you are not compatible really reflect on that, it’s going to be way worse in 15 years… it gets way fucking worse.

    Hopefully you can come with a better solution than just suffer through it. I have only found temporary solution that don’t fix for more than a few months.

    Is she concerned or sympathetic?

  2. Stop screwing around and make a decision. If the relationship is not working for you sexually then its not working. Being sexually compatible is important to build intimacy in a relationship. Even if the rest of the relationship is “great”. Sex is still important to keep the relationship intimate.

    If she is willing to compromise with letting you get a fwb. great but realize that usually will end the relationship in the long run. You will begin to get feelings for a regular fwb partner and might feel resentment to your actual partner.

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