Three years back I started talking to a girl. We were in same college and same class for 2 years but we didn’t talked at that time. We knew each other just as classmates. After college we went to different universities for graduation but were in the same city.

In first year of university, we started talking online and became good friends. But soon after we started flirting with each other and I don’t how to say this but we used to talk like couples even though we were not. Saying love you and all that stuff but we never meant it. It was all for fun. I had asked her if she has a boyfriend or ever had one. She said no and I totally believed her(lol)

We became really good friends and we still were flirting just for fun. And just so you guys know that I never met her between these two years. Not even once. Even though we were in the same city we couldn’t meet. Whenever I used to say that we should meet sometime she used to just brush it off or just used to change the topic.

After two years we stopped our flirting and just talked casually like friends do. But after few months I started developing feelings for her. And by the time I knew I had already fallen for her(yeah I know you guys would wonder how can a guy just fall in love with someone who he haven’t even met. To be honest even I don’t know)

One day we were talking on the phone and out of the blue she says that she had a 4 years of realationship. I just couldn’t react to that and just said ok. But it felt really bad that she couldn’t tell me sooner. I started to think that she doesn’t trust me enough like I do cause I might have asked her a 100 times that if she had a relationship.

Few days later I just couldn’t take it. I was just left with two choices. Either be her friend and keep breaking my heart cause eventually she would fall in love with someone and that won’t be me or just confess and see what happens. If she says yes then it’s just great and if no then I will just let her go and move on.

I confessed and eventually she broke my heart saying no. But it was fine. I was ready for it. But I really felt bad when I said I’m leaving and she was like ok if you want to leave you can. I was hoping that atleast she would try to stop me saying that we could fix this without having me to leave.

It had been 2 months we haven’t talked but the thought of she not trusting me enough was not getting out of my head. So I just texted her saying why didn’t you told me about your relationship and asked if she trusts me enough or not. I don’t know what had happened between those two months but she suddenly snapped at me. She told me to shut up and said she doesn’t owe any explanation to me. I was just heartbroken cause she was the last person I could think of who would talk to me like that. It felt like she was just talking to a guy who she knew for couple of months. I just couldn’t reply to that and said ok and didn’t texted her back.

My life has been a mess from that moment and I don’t know how to deal with this stuff and move on. Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated.

1 comment
  1. I think you invested way too much into something that was barely anything in the first place. Yes, you were simply an online friend to her.

    You guys NEVER met in person, you emotionally dumped on her by confessing, and she obviously doesn’t give a shit about how you feel. Wake up sir.

    I know it sucks, but stop reaching out to her. Delete her number, unfollow her socials, and move on. Let this be a lesson, and never put yourself in this situation again.

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