Me and my girlfriend are currently on a vacation in Greece. Yesterday she told me that her vagina is sore and it hurts, so we figured its normal because od the salty water and sand. We had unprotected sex afterwards (she is on the pill and we are each other’s first sexual partners and none of us cheated). It was good and she squirted a little and a little blood came out of her vagina as well. It could have been because of the hard fingering or something else.
Now, a day later, she gave me a bj and a handjob mostly, and suddenly after that I watched my penis head get covered in red spots. My gf’s vagina is itchy and sore and she claims smells fishy.
Our hygiene is very good.
I’m panicking so hopefully this makes sense and I’m hoping i could find help here.
Thanks in advance

  1. of you probably cheated. Get tested for STD..sooner you do, better the recovery will be. Stay safe

  2. Fishy smell from vagina usually indicates BV which she would need to take antibiotics for

  3. Thrush. It’s usually thrush, and you can pass it between you. So you both would need treatment.

  4. I’d see a doctor in her case.

    The Red dots on your penis could be candida, balanitis, being allergic to sth, or a lot of other reasons.

  5. This might be a yeast infection. I think the beach water and sand probably threw off the pH levels of her vagina, which can cause a yeast infection. Symptoms of this are itchiness, redness, soreness/pain, and a thick white cottage-cheese like discharge for women. However, she may not have all these symptoms to still have a yeast infection. They’re pretty painful and uncomfortable and it’s possible to pass it on to a male sex partner. But it’s not an STD. For men, red patches / spots , pain, swelling and itchiness and white chunky stuff are symptoms but again, you might not have all of these. Especially if it’s a mild infection.

    I reccomended starting with an over-the-counter antifungal medicine for you (you can get the stuff they use for athletes foot) and MoniStat which is also an antifungal cream for her.

    However, a fishy smell is not a symptom of a yeast infection, so if that persists and so does the burning/irritation I reccomended she sees a gynecologist to ensure she also doesn’t have a bacterial infection. These need antibiotics. Yeast infections cause a “bready” smell.

    Anyways I’m not a doctor but I hope this helped somewhat

    Edit: uncircumsised men are more likely to get a yeast infection

  6. You say neither of you has cheated. Are you sure about that? There is a saying, ‘Trust, but verify’.

    Go get checked out.

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