My (32M) current Japanese GF (31F) likes to kiss for 15 minutes or longer. It’s a first for me in all of the relationships that I have been in

  1. Every reddit post about social activities, sex, or communication problems should be forced to state the age of everyone involved. The advice varies more than most are willing to admit.

  2. I remember the ones i were really attracted too, we’d make out for an hour until our jaws hurt the next day lol

  3. Long makeout sessions without progression is a bit much for me but I love making out on and off all the way through

  4. Kissing/Making out is incredible and creates a true feeling of intimacy. I’ve had dates where we could only kiss(Or, no hands/mouths below the neck or waist. Only touching feet up to mid thighs etc.) the entire day to build anticipation. The body is full of ways to find pleasure. It’s not all about the genitals. Tho…they are fun, too!

  5. See I love kissing and I’ve only been lucky enough to be with one Japanese girl and she liked to kiss a lot and have long making out sessions which suited me. Usually I say communication is key but can see it would be tricky to ask can we kiss less.

  6. i love a long make out, though i do tend to touch/kiss all over. sometimes over the neck, down the chest, and back up. i could probably do it for 1.5hrs max

  7. I could just makeout for hours personally. I would say generally it’s 10-15min before continuing into sex

  8. Rookies. But really I prefer the one that takes my breath away. Not too many like that.

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