Just wondering how many miles does America drive every year.

  1. I think most people drive 10,000-15,000 miles per year. Most lease terms are based on those mileage limits so that seems to be about the average.

  2. “The United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration said that the average person drove 14,263 miles per year in 2019. That’s roughly 1,200 miles per month per driver or about 39 miles per day. By comparison, the DOT said the average annual miles was 13,476 in 2018.”


    Know that this includes driving for trucks across the country and road trips too, which may skew the numbers.

  3. 12,000-15,000 miles per year has been my running average for the past 20 years or so. That includes daily commuting, errands, vacation trips, and pleasure drives (Sunday drives, etc).

  4. I believe the average American drives about 15000 miles a year. I drive about half of that.

  5. I typically drive about 12-15k in my own car, plus another few thousand in a rental

  6. Pre-pandemic ~5000 miles

    Now my office is still closed so it’s ~700 miles

    I used to work further away and it was closer to 12,000 miles.

  7. I was up to 30,000/year a couple of years ago, but now I’ve got a much shorter commute and am down to about 10,000/year.

  8. “The past few years” is going to be a pretty crappy sample for me. We went full virtual August of 2020. Prior to that (and prior to me moving closer to the office), I was doing 7,500 miles just in commute. Probably 15,000 overall. Most family visits were to places that flying and renting a car didn’t quite make as much sense as just driving.

    Now, though, hardly no driving. Pretty sure I am on the same tank of gas I was at the beginning of the month and my car isn’t the most efficient thing in the world.

  9. Like 50-60k, mostly work driving. I usually put like 12 or 14k on my personal car in a year

  10. This past year and the year before it are very different for me. About a year ago, I quit my job to go after a career change. While working that job, I would say I drove around 25,000-35,000 miles a year. I don’t have the exact numbers on that but most of it was on company vehicles and I had multiple ones I used. I never got over 1,000 in a day (the highest was a bit over 700) but I definitely got well over 1,000 in a single week a few times. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that I was underestimating and I was actually clearing 40,000 miles a year once you included miles on my personal vehicle.

    In my current situation, I do about 10,000 a year, maybe less. I’ve been able to change a lot of things about my situation so I’m not just getting to avoid all of the billable miles I used to do but also doing a lot less driving for personal things.

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