I (M20) dated my ex (F18) for two years.

We broke up 7 months ago and its been on and off of no contact to texting to talking shit about each other. Our relationship ended because of many reasons, a big one being communication problems, and another was my ex best friend flirting with me which my ex thought I was cheating on her with my friend.

Last night she called me drunk and sang me a song about being heartbroken, she was at a party drinking and I just hung up. Tonight she calls me and tells me “I dont want to be on bad terms can you come over.” I went over and we went to the store and bought some food to cook, we messed around at the store like old times and had fun all around. Once we got home we started talking and she was telling me “I’d be lying if I told you I wanted to get back with you, because I dont, but I’m just so attached to you that I cant leave you alone! and apart from all that it just doesn’t feel the same anymore… I feel guilty reaching out so much knowing I dont want to get back with you but im just sooo attached to you idk why!!!” She also said “I think we just need to move on from this once and for all.” But she’s the one that keeps reaching out.

How should I go about this? Just let it be and let time do its thing? My ultimate goal is to get back with her bc we’re each other’s first loves and since we’re on good terms I dont want to live with all the “what ifs.” But she broke up with me and is telling me she only reaches out bc she’s attached…

  1. If you can’t be friends don’t be friends. Go live your new life without her, maybe you can reconnect in the future.

  2. Deep down she just wants to make sure to prevent you from entertaining another woman in your life.. she’s happy enough to move on (relationship wise) but she doesn’t want you to be able to do the same.. that’s why she keeps reaching out to you, and attempts to string you along. Wizen up and block this woman before she cock blocks you in the future.

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