Women of Reddit: What’s one thing you absolutely hate and would like to change?

  1. I hate living in a world where we need to be afraid of men, where we’re harmed so frequently and our assailants are so lightly punished

    I’d pull a Scarlet Witch and go with no more men

  2. In the USA, women are not given enough maternity leave and the cost of healthcare in general.

  3. I absolutely hate that all human interfaces generally assume an average man’s height. Countertops, toilets, sink heights, chairs, benches, doorknob heights, car seat and steering wheel adjustments, etc., are designed around the median man.

    Fuck that. Design around the median woman for awhile, and see how men understand how inconvenient the assumed median is. Maybe then more toothy ADA and accessibility accommodation laws would be enacted *tout de suite* because men experience mass inconvenience.

  4. How bad my social anxiety gets. I hate how I get so scared to just say hi to people or to confirm my purchases. I wanna be a lil bit more extroverted so I can be someone people aren’t ashamed of being with in a social setting

  5. The double standards over single mothers vs single fathers. Single mothers are stigmatised yet single fathers are hero worshipped 🤔

  6. child abusers. I would very much like to yeet them out of existence.

    Parents who abandon kids for being gay.

  7. A system that allows lavish excess in tandem with people who go without basic needs.

    Shouldn’t happen at all

  8. Capitalism, but more specifically – capitalistic worldview, where the core idea is built around profiting off of someone and MAXIMISING profits while neglecting everything else.

  9. I hate that I’m almost 30 and marriage is nowhere in sight. I’ve spent my 20’s being abused, and now I’m single with two stalkers who happen to also be abusive exes. All I ever fucking wanted was love. All I wanted was marriage and a happy family. And now I’m too old and used up and damaged to be wanted by a good man who fits my standards. Oh, and I’m too old to have standards now. Not having standards is what got me here, but it’s laughable for a woman my age to have the sort of standards I do now. I don’t know how to accept that it’s too late for me.

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