My girlfriend 16F broke up with me 16M a little over a month ago and just recently we’ve had an argument. This was my first breakup so I tried to keep in touch with her bc its summer and I wasnt seeing her and I was sad and lonely, so we kept it contact but she didnt seem like she was as interested anymore. Our argument was ab how I wasnt giving enough space and it really hurt because I realized I had messed up. She broke up with me bc she felt things were going to fast, even tho imo it really wasnt, but I respected it and tried to stay friends but I think she was dealing with alot and needed space and I didnt give it to her. We lost our long snap streak and we’ve not been talking for a few days. I looked back on the argument and decided to apologize on my behalf, because I came to realize although I wasnt completely in the wrong I wasnt helping anything. She seemed to really appreciate the apology and I javent talked to her since. I’ll see her for the first time in school, we have some classes. What should I do? Is this fixable?

TL;DR : me and my girlfriend broke up, in sorta good terms. I’ll see her in school, can I fix this?

1 comment
  1. Don’t try to fix it. She doesn’t want a relationship with you. If you think you’re doing well as fiends then keep it that way. She appreciated the apology because she deserved an apology. Keep letting her have space as she is now your ex-girlfriend.

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