So he lives across the street which is why I’ve been inclined not to approach him but I’ve always been curious about him and think he’s handsome. I do think he’s at least a few years older than I am (I’m 30, though everyone thinks I’m quite a bit younger for some reason)

But today I was walking down my steps to take the trash out and he was walking up his driveway. He turned around as though he forgot something and was going to walk back to his car but as soon as he saw me he turned back around and kept walking towards his front door.

In another instance, he was walking down his driveway while I was walking past his house on the sidewalk and he backed up and shrugged his arms and had this look of panic on his face.

We basically never talk so I’m not sure how I could have put him off this tremendously. Is he just potentially kind of shy? Do people sometimes act this way when they find someone attractive?

1 comment
  1. I’ve done this to girls I’ve crushed on because I had some big pimple or smelled bad or something and didn’t want to end up talking to them that way.

    Also done it to women I didn’t want to end up talking to.

    Don’t read into it.

    Also sometimes people run away from their crushes. My first gf used to turn and run away whenever she saw me on campus for months.

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