As per title. I don’t work in a super stressful career. I’m 32. No girlfriend, no kids, no mortgage, no real ties. Bit of a lone ranger in terms of not having any commitments as such. And yet, I’m shattered. Tired when I wake up at 7.15am, even after 7 hours of sleep. Tired when I get home. And the thing that really stands out, is I get really tired on the weekends as well. Same routine every weekend. Wake up say 9am, coffee/shower, do whatever. I need a nap around 12pm or something. It won’t be a great nap, because it’s so soon after I wake, and so I wake up feeling as groggy as before, and feeling tired for the rest of the day. Repeat for Sunday.

Same thing with ‘going out’. Seeing a girl atm. Honestly, when we go out to a bar with live music or just out to the city high streets, I can’t muster the energy to get into it. She even asked me if I was enjoying the live music. ‘Yes’ I proclaimed, but I wasn’t invested in it. Seeing pissed blokes kissing each other on the face, arms around each other and singing along. I sound like a bore I know, but I just couldn’t get into it. I’m tired of seeing all the pissheads lining the streets, the booze, the drugs, the chips everywhere, the cheap tacky folk everywhere. And as soon as I have a pint, it sends me into sleep mode again. I’m yawning at 8/9pm with a pint. Dare I start having 2/3 and I don’t even like how it feels anymore. Like it just numbs me, not excites me. I don’t seem to enjoy going on a ‘night out’ these days.

I can’t imagine how my energy and tiredness would be if I then had a wife, and then ontop of that kids. Deary me. I struggle as it is. I just can’t get worked up about going out anymore and I’m consistently knackered on weekends. I have no health problems that I am aware of and am taking Vitamin B tablets, but can’t say I’m noticing a difference.

Any other chaps out there finding anything similar?

  1. > I’m 32…sign of aging or what?

    It’s not a sign of normal aging, in my view. We’re not supposed to do medical discussions on this subreddit, but maybe the first step is to get a full physical/blood panel and maybe a sleep apnea test.

    How is the indoor air where you live? I encountered a Redditor who said he bought a carbon dioxide detector and could notice (take that with a big grain of salt; placebo effect) a drop in his alertness when levels of C02 were high.

    Are you dealing with any psychological issues? How bored are you by your life?

    That bar scene you describe sounds really boring to me.

  2. Maybe you should do a blood test and hormone test see if everything is in balance. My friend just told me her brothers have low iron and that can be really draining so try and get your symptoms checked if you can!

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