Like I like the James Bond movies. I don’t think they are deep philosophical movies, and they are not supposed to be but just like them as dumb fun entertainment.

But she gets offended and bothered by it, because of the sexualization of the female characters. But I think she is just letting it get to her too much. I mean I have nothing against fiction with male sexualized characters too, such as James Bond, or the male from Fifty Shades of Grey, or 365 Days, or Dirty Dancing, etc.

So I feel I am pretty equal opportunity when it comes to both female and male characters being sexualized and fiction and I’m okay with both. But even if I am equal opportunity on it, she still is bothered by me watching entertainment where the female characters particularly are sexualized and she gets kind of mad and chews me out here and there for it.

But I feel like she is being prudish about it, and it’s just dumb fictional entertainment, and not meant to be a philosophy on life.

Does it sound like maybe she is overreacting at these times, based on what I can describe, or no, and she has a right to react this way perhaps?

Thank you very much for opinions on this. I really appreciate it.

  1. Entertainment is entertainment. Just like movies that completely bash on men, or scenes that clearly make fun of how guys are incompetent and reliant on women etc. It all goes both ways.

    The irony is that your GF is bothered by movies/entertainment showing you what she believes is the “wrong” thing….she is also getting upset at you because she watches/reads things that tell her that all these movies are somehow demeaning towards women etc. Did she ever have a problem with James Bond or any other character that slept with women? No, people started getting outraged like 5 years ago.

    Having said all that, she’s free to have any opinion. If she thinks you’re some degenerate because you watch certain movies….then what can you do? Thats on her. If she watches a movie where women cheat on their SOs/husbands….that doesnt mean you should get offended and prevent her from watching the show lol

    People need to understand that entertainment is entertainment.

    And when you tell somebody to NOT watch something….guess what happens? They want to watch that thing even more. Human nature will not change for a while.

  2. She’s jealous of them and that’s her way to get you to stop watching them by shaming you for it so you second guess it. She is jealous you watch other women.

  3. Bro 😂😂😂 dump her! Lmfao girls like that are the worst. No sense of humor, takes everything in the most negative way possible. Do yourself a favor and cut her loose

  4. She may need to become an ex girlfriend. If she gets offended over minor shit, she will be absolutley hellish over major things.

    my $.02

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