What would you sing at karaoke night?

  1. M58. Rod Stewart “if you want my body and you think I’m sexy, cmon sugar let me know”….

  2. I did ‘We die young’ by Alice in chains last night, nailed it.
    People say I sound like Layne.

  3. One for free from a lurking woman 😊… Guys, I guarantee you will not leave that bar alone if you crack out any classic Shania. You are welcome.

  4. I try a bunch but the most popular are

    SOB – Nathaniel Rateliff & the Nightsweats
    Always a crowd pleaser

    I Believe in a Thing Called Love – The Darkness
    Fun and quick but not the easiest

  5. I don’t do karaoke but if you forced me

    Everlong by the foo fighters

    The song isn’t particularly tonally challenging (which is good because I’m more or less tone deaf at least when it comes to singing).

    You can pull back on the chorus and it still sounds good. The rest of the song can more or less be sung at whatever you natural pitch is.

    The guitar work more or less does all the work.

    Also, this is true of most foo fighters songs. Dave Grohl isn’t a particularly technical singer and their song composition tends to hide a lot of his failings in this area. I love the foo fighters btw so this isn’t meant as a dig at him. If you can manage a bit of distortion in your voice, you can pretty much handle any foo fighters song.

  6. My one friend and I, we will tag team Beer for my Horses – him and I have done this one before 😂

  7. Minnie The Moocher. Cab Caloway

    Call and response singalong that gets everyone involved.

  8. Sixteen tons by Tennessee Ernie Ford. I learned recently that I have a bass range but I’m shy about singing in public, karaoke being the only exception.

  9. All of Me by John Legend

    Did it once before and I can get my voice to ululate pretty damn well as long as I’ve had enough to drink (usually just Coke/Pepsi if I’m singing).

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