Idk what to do, I need a opinion bc I have a problem also anxiety, everything begins from a feeling.

I found messages of my boyfriend to other girls, they don’t respond back so he said that he doesn’t do anything wrong and he wouldn’t betray me with other woman, he told me that he would never do it again so he delete all his acc but also do a new FB to talk with me

After some time found again messages, I told him and again he promise to not do it again bc He love me and he want to marry me but I don’t now, Today I found that he opened a new Instagram it has nothing but, I don’t know, he lie to me, do I told him? Do I trust again?

TL;DR- I’m scared that one day he would betray me….
What you guys recommend me to do?

  1. Run. Dude thinks nothing of hitting on random women in the hopes one will be into his sorry ass. That’s not someone you need in your life at 19. There are a millions of dudes who won’t treat you like shit. Go find one.

  2. How many times does he have to lie before you get tired of his lying?

    He already *has* betrayed you. Twice.

  3. The only reason he hasn’t actively cheated yet is Bc none of these women have responded to him. The only thing more embarrassing than having an unfaithful bf is having a bf who is so grimy he can’t even cheat on you if he wanted to (which he obviously does) Bc no girl will give him the time of day. SAD!! Get far away from him while you can save yourself

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