What’s the nicest thing a woman has ever done for you?

  1. Apart from my mom who gave birth to, raised, and nurtured me as long as I’m alive:

    My 6th grade teacher who taught trained me to be punctual, orderly, and truly get me to ‘grow up’ academically. At the time, I remember complaining so much about how strict she was etc., but looking back, she was the best teacher I had. I don’t think any other teacher taught me as much throughout my entire middle school.

  2. A random woman who was a complete stranger offered to pay for my hotel stay when my card declined twice at check in.

    I was poor and it was like 11pm in a city I’d never been to, definitely the nicest gesture I’ve had happen by someone I hadn’t said a word to.

  3. waaaay back when we were just teeny-tiny little kids of 20 and still in the early stages of dating, her dad scored sweet Cubs tickets and gave them to us.

    and you gotta understand, my wife is a DIEHARD Cubs fan, has been her whole life. i mean like, she had the Ryno jersey as a kid, watches as many games as she possibly can, read the box scores in the paper, listened to the games on the radio at work, collects autographs, the whole 9 yards.


    it was early May, and it was sunny, so i was like fuck it, shorts and a t-shirt.

    we got down there and seated, we got dogs and drinks, and about an hour later we were sitting in shadows.

    and i was FUCKING FREEZING. i mean, i was literally shaking like i was having a seizure, and it was like…the bottom of the 3rd inning.

    she put her hand on my shoulder and she said “do you just wanna go?” and i felt SO guilty and bad, because Cubs tickets were/are so expensive, and she loves Cubs games more than anything else in the world.

    so i said “nahhh i’m fine”. teeth chattering. shivering like a damp orphan.

    she said “come on. let’s just go.” so we left.


    i was profusely apologizing on the bus ride home, and she kept saying “it’s fine. it’s just a stupid baseball game, there will be others! you’re so much more important than a baseball game. besides, we can catch the end on TV at home 🙂 ”

    sitting on that smelly, dingy Addison bus, i had this creeping sensation that i was going to marry this woman.


    20+ years later, here we are ;D



    *(so why didn’t i just buy a hoodie or something? they’re very, very expensive and we didn’t have the $$. they were like $70 each.)*

  4. Just compliments really. I’m sure there’s been others that were more significant but compliments from women just really make your day in a way you don’t forget.

  5. If we are talking about not a women I was in a relationship with and not a family member.

    A girl I worked with drove me home so I didnt have to wait for the bus didnt even ask me for gas money either and declined even after I offered

  6. In Highschool during valentines day we would pay to send someone a chocolate Rose. I never got one but then in Senior year I got one from a secret admirer and I enjoyed that piece of chocolate.

  7. Outside of my family, I got some kitchenware from my ex as a Christmas gift, and one of my old friends bought me a shot glass from when she went to Mexico. This was all 3-4 yrs ago and that was one of the few times I received something from a woman.

  8. I was treated badly by my dad growing up. I remember having different women in my life – babysitters, teachers, friends, partners – that were lifelines to me and made me feel safe during years where I felt most of the day like I was on edge and under threat.

    They held me and made me feel protected in a way that I was missing in my childhood.

    I can’t pick just one instance, but some do stick out. I still remember those people. I wish I could properly thank them but it would be weird anyhow.

    I wish it was easier to express how much even those brief feelings of safety meant.

    I don’t need that type of thing much now as an adult, but I’m also not sure I’d be here today if I didn’t have it then.

  9. Last year I ended up in the hospital for over a week and a half. My significant other would call me to check in on me, and even spend some time on the phone with me at night talking before we would fall asleep on the phone together. She was able to tell that the situation had me feeling down and alone since we were long-distance at the time, and it was especially hard on me because I am fully blind. The hospital is not fun for anyone, but imagine being in that situation while in total darkness and in your own head the whole time.
    One morning we had been going back-and-forth on text, and all I wanted was to call her on the phone to say good morning before we both started the day. I felt like she was being dodgy with me and was making other things a priority rather than letting me call her. She was getting coffee ready, doing things around the house, and then wanted to go for a run lol. I should have known better, but it was honestly making me a little bit sad in the moment when all that was happening. I told her to enjoy her run and call me when she got back. At this point, it was around 8:30 in the morning and I knew that my mom would be visiting me in the hospital later that morning. My mom walked into the room and said hello to me before walking over to the couch and sitting down. Out of nowhere I feel someone wrap their arms around me, lean in and say hey. My heart skipped a beat because it’s just that one word and her arms around me that instantly let me know who it was. She had woken up super early that morning and got on a flight to come and see me, And the whole time she was planning it with my mom to be a total surprise for me. I was shocked and probably had a huge smile on my face after realizing why she was dodging me that morning lol. The hospital bed was not big, and I am a taller and bigger man, so we ended up spending the day together with her laying in a hospital bed with me. I held her close and watched over her as she fell asleep to catch up on all of the sleep that she did not get from the night before because of traveling. She had to unfortunately leave the next day around 1:30 PM, but I made sure to keep her close to me the entire time that she was with me for that day. She will always have my heart.

  10. Treated me like I look like I’m 6’3″ 180lbs and have a 6 pack.

    She made me know what true love is and how it feels to be a man.

  11. Aside from my mom birthing, raising, and loving me

    The time in high school that I was mere days away from carrying out a planned suicide attempt, I confessed, my English teacher pulled me into a small empty room, and tearfully gave me one of the longest, warmest hugs of my life, while simultaneously saying, “it’ll be okay”

  12. Gave birth to me and has loved and supported me for the 20 years I have been on this planet. Thank you mum you are the best and I love you.

  13. The girl almost fell and caught my bicep so she doesnt fall. After she only said one thing and i still think about it every day (it was early february this year). “Huh, this new job u got really made u stronger didn’t?” Im not a strong dude, so it really made my days ever since. Every time i feel ashamed of my body i think about that moment and i feel much better.

  14. Brought me tacos.
    A buddy and I were working on a school project at my work and it was going to be a long night. She made tacos for us and then showed up with them.

  15. I was once told I resemble “Prince Adam” (Brunette hair).

    That’ll always stick with me.

  16. I was feeling kind of down lately and my sister got me flowers and some bamboo. I’ve never gotten flowers before and it really cheered me up.

    I put them next to my PC and eventually found a nice place in my room for them. They both almost completely withered away, but they’re still there. I look at them every morning.

  17. my 7th grade english teacher actually made me want to do good in school and made me feel smart. I had all f’s and she helped me with all of my classes; math, chinese, history, etc. At the end of the year she was bragging with my mom about how much better i was doing.

  18. I’ve wanted to go to the Europe my whole life (I’m a bit of a European history geek). I worked more than full time for decades while she stayed home with the 4 kids and home schooled them (They’re all in tier 1 colleges so I don’t want to hear it).

    Needless to say, with 1 income and 4 kids, even though I did well, we never had money vacations. Now that the kids are grown, she started working again. At Christmas, she reveled that she had saved up all the money from her job that year and bought us a trip to Europe. This was many thousands of dollars.

    I couldn’t believe that someone would do something so kind and so huge for me. Nobody had ever done anything even close to that for me before. Room full of people, sitting around the Christmas tree, and it’s all I can do to not start crying with gratitude.People kept asking me what I got and I couldn’t get the words out. It completely changed how I saw that woman.

    Best vacation of my life.

  19. I didn’t know how to tie my shoes until I was 16. I was on a school trip in high school when this young woman informed me that my shoes were untied. I tucked my laces back in my shoes and left them alone like I always did. She asked me why I didn’t tie them and I told her that my parents would get annoyed every time they tried to teach me.
    The girl on the bus said my parents were probably teaching me wrong anyways. She sat with me and she was patient, kind, and understanding. We spent the whole bus trip talking about music and tying my shoes for practice.
    She taught me a basic life skill when my parents wouldn’t.
    It’s still one of the most kind things anyone has ever done for me.

  20. My gf at the time bought me a Switch and Breath of the Wild (I’d been holding off buying them, but talking about them both for 2-3 years). I was gobsmacked, I’d never been surprised with a gift like that. And we had been up until that point keeping funds pretty strict to get a house deposit in this city we’d just moved to. Figured out a week later it was a distraction to keep me occupied as I was now solo and homeless in a city where I knew no-one. But lemme tell BOTW, fucking great game.

  21. I was completely lost once as I jumped off my bus way too soon as a result of falling asleep and running off in panic. This lovely bus driver must’ve seen how confused or worried I was and just stopped in the middle of the street to ask if I was okay. It was a different bus company to what I use but she had me get on the bus anyway without a ticket and took me to a stop where I’d know how to get home. Absolute Angel.

  22. Said I had perfect eyebrows, this was 8 years ago and I think about if a couple times a week

  23. Not aborting me. The circumstances in which my then single mother decided to have me were inconceivable. But for some reason, against all logic, she decided to have me. We may have had our ups and downs over the years but I will forever be grateful for her giving me the opportunity to enter the world.

  24. my GF always bought me a cake for my birthday

    this year the only people who remember my birthday only 2, my GF and my mom

  25. I was at the 3rd lowest point in my life. My roommate of 5yrs and three leases and I had just moved and signed a new lease. A week and a half b4 our first round of rent he tells me he got the girl he had been seeing pregnant. 5 days later he was packing a u-haul and telling me he tried to get his friend to take over his part of the lease and move in(moved his friend in the same day) but the leasing office said no. His friend had a job but no money- I only had my part of rent. So with three days to go b4 eviction I was sitting on a park bench just dying. A woman sat next to me and asked me what was wrong. I told her my story. She thought about it- walked away and made a phone call. She came back and offered me this deal- I can stay in her rv if I take a second job, open an account for that paycheck with her able to access it, and when I have enough to get a spot on my own move forward. Saved my life.

  26. My wife proposed to me is a pretty big thing.

    She’s also helped me to find rare books and comics as a present, she tracked down an author of a finnish cult scifi series and got me signed copies of the last two books. Earlier we had been laughed at at a second hand bookstore, “Good luck finding those books, I bought the last copies from the author at a fair”.

    Last but definitely not least, just this week, on Monday, she gave birth to our beautiful daughter.

  27. I went to a John Mayer concert this past spring with my mom. The tickets were a Christmas gift from my grandmother to her and she planned on taking her boyfriend. Then the band got covid and re-scheduled for May. In those three months, my mom got out of the relationship so she had no one to go with. It also happens that the concert was in the city where I attend school. Being a good son, I offered to go with my mom. Plus it was around mother’s day so I knew it would be appreciated. Now you see, I do not care for John Mayer or his music. A few older songs occasionally, but I’m into a completely different genre of rock. But I still went to this concert to accompany my mom. As luck would have it, the lady sitting next to me was quite chatty and instantly started talking to me and my mom. I knew it was going to be a long night if I didn’t get a beer quickly. Got my $17 beer, went back to my seat, and finished the beer before John Mayer even came out. I elected not get another because I’m a poor college student and concert beers are expensive. Lucky for me, the chatty lady next to us left to go get her husband some beer. She returned with 2 beers and insisted that I have one of them. This concert turned out to be a huge score for me; this lady bought me two more beers and I was having an awesome time. This might not be the nicest thing a woman has ever done for me, but it is 100% the nicest thing a woman that I don’t know has done for me.

  28. My girlfriend made me feel truly unconditionally loved. We were on the phone one time and the things she was saying just hit so deep in my heart, it was like nothing I’d experienced before.

    I literally broke down into tears because that was the first time in my life I have ever felt truly loved and appreciated.

    Needless to say, I love her dearly. She’s the woman I want to be my wife one day, and I don’t say that lightly.

  29. In college, I was at an after-show party in a bar with a theater group that I never really fit in with, looking and feeling uncomfortable. I had a beautiful friend who was randomly in the bar hanging out. She read the room, walked up and put her arm around my waist, and said loudly, “It’s time for you to walk me home.” We went arm-in-arm for a couple blocks and then just walked and chatted for a bit. She wasn’t trying to hook up with me — she just wanted to make me look cool in front of those people.

  30. Last week around 5 I was like semi awake and noticed my gf waking up for toiletbreak. She kissed my forehead, told me she loved me and tucked me in all while thinking I was vast asleep. I melted.

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