I’ve been like this for years in school – I see people I’d really like to be friends with, but I end up not being friends with them and just hanging with people I feel more comfortable around (I don’t want to use the term losers but that’s probably the best way to put it tbh). Now I started in a different school and I don’t want to be the same. I want to actually be friends with the cool and funny people. But every time I talk to them, I feel so stiff and awkward and shy. I act more serious, even. I can’t bring out my funny side. I’m not like this with other people I feel comfortable around, like my sister, my family, and my “outcast” friends. With those people I’m a total goofball, talkative, and funny. How do I even get over this problem and actually make friends with the people I actually want to be friends with?

  1. You’re being too self-conscious. Don’t worry about acting a certain way. It’ll happen when you feel comfortable.

  2. You’re putting them on a pedestal and you mustn’t do that. Like someone earlier said, if you want to have friends, be a friend. They’re no different than the people you hang around with. Matter of fact, stop looking down on yourself and the people you’re currently friends with.

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