Ok my girl ghosted me. She has bad depression atm. This is the first time she’s done this. When she ghosted me the first she did it for a week, blocked me on everything. I sent her really sweet videos that made her talk to me and she came back to me.

Before that she was being super mean to me like I’ve done something terribly wrong. I was confused as to what I did. She was normally nice for the first 3 months we were together. We never had an argument or anything until bam she ghosted me.

He reasons for the first time was because I stopped going to the gym as much and sopped a strict schedule with myself. Reason for that was because I had life changing things like meeting her, getting a new job, and a new apt moving out of my moms. All I’m a spam of 3 months did all that happen so I got alittle depressed myself adjusting to a new life.

Later I sat her down and had her talk to me from the beginning what happened. She turns around and says something like “idk what happened I just lost reality and I didn’t know what I was doing I think it was my hormones acting up from the plan b”. My schedule wasn’t even the reason anymore.

We we’re back together and things were great again. I did make her mad one time and she almost broke up with me but I made that better. That’s a whole other story on its own. After that incident she started to get these mood swings where she would want to be alone for a whole week and isn’t as loving as she normally is. She told me not to take it personal. She would say things like “I’m 25% better today”. She would seem like a whole different person. When we’d hang out on the weekends tho things would be great and normal. When we’d separate is when things went bad.

So now I knew she was gonna be like this for awhile so I told her I’ll be patient, I’ll give you space, I won’t take it personal. Because she would want to take care of it on her own. I was very nice to her and reassured her I was here and that I wanted to support her.

1 day we were good she spent the night and then the next day came and she barely texted me at all. Didn’t even say I love you or anything. She left my discord server with my friends after I made her an admin. She called me once saying she was mad and being dumb and I asked her what it was and she said it was nothing. I asked if it was me she said no. I left it at that. After that should would only text me in the morning. One morning it was “good morning I still can’t believe you let me do this to you”. Next morning it’s “good morning I recommend you talk to your therapist about the last 2 weeks”.
I ask “for me? Us? You?”. “Are we okay?” No answer.

So I talked to my therapist that same day and I sent my girl cute videos again just letting her know I’m here things like that. She then changed her relationship status on Facebook to single. I tried calling her and texting her asking about it and she said nothing at all. Ignored me. I left her alone.

I tried calling her and texting her last Tuesday, nothing. I tried going to her apt yesterday with flowers, I was dressed nice with my hair down. I knocked and no answer, I couldn’t find her car either so I waited and then she texted me to leave. Being super mean. I know that probably wasn’t the best thing for me to do. So I left.

She would call me crazy for still being with her and one day my horoscope said I shouldn’t settle for 2nd best and she thought that meant her and she went off in me telling me I deserve better.

She’s being terrible and cold hearted and idk why. I miss her, I can’t eat, or sleep right, I can’t work. I can’t do anything. I dream of her every night. I think of her as soon as I wake up and I get a terrible feeling right away.

She’s normally so fun and cute and full of life. So loving and clingy just the way I like it. Idk what to do and I want her back. I know this isn’t her. Is this some kind of other mental illness that idk about?

TL;DR – girlfriend set Facebook status to single. Ghosted me. Is mean to me when usually is very nice and sweet and happy.

  1. Depression is not an excuse to not act like an adult and not treat people with respect. Especially for a 26 year old.

  2. I mean, look, it doesn’t matter what she’s going through. If it’s depression – and yes, that would explain some of her behavior – it doesn’t matter. You’ve been dumped. And she did it in a shitty fashion.

    It sucks. But there’s not really anything else you can do here.

  3. From what you posted, this is regular behavior from her. Even if she stops ghosting you now, how long before she does it again? And again? And again?

    Honestly, you can do better and you deserve better. She wants to be single, let her be single. Block her and move on with your life so you can find someone that knows how to treat others with respect and communicate with them.

  4. Doesn’t matter is she’s depressed or not. That’s her problem. She’s choosing to act like a manipulative asshole to you though. Her depression is not making her do that. Not sure why you’re wasting your energy on her and her games.

  5. The simplest answer is that this girl is not emotionally or mentally stable enough for a relationship with you.

    I’ve battled depression for over 10 years. In hindsight, there are many points at which I should’ve not been dating instead of just focusing on myself and my treatment.

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