Women who removed their uterus: Are you happy you did it? And did you experience any long term effects?

  1. My mom had a full hysterectomy at 43. Heavy bleeding. Crazy moods. Awful. After- she was so mellow.

  2. Radical hysterectomy in 2018. Stage 4 endometriosis. I don’t feel like I have appendicitis every month and it’s amazing.

  3. I’m planning to do that at age 30 since I have PCOS and want nothing to do with having kids, I haven’t had my period in 4 years and whenever I have one they’re painful as fuck..

  4. I got everything out after a bout with cancer. One of the best things I ever did. That was approximately 10 years ago. I have not experienced any negative effects as of yet…

  5. Hysterectomy at age 30 (adenomyosis). I’m 64 now, have never had any long term negative effects. Positive was that it was a total relief, due to symptoms going away immediately.

  6. Total hysterectomy in 2015 for endometriosis. Menopause at 35 kinda sucks, but it’s just like menopause later in life. After that, and some HRT, life is awesome. No periods! Yes sex drive! Stable moods!

    (Unfortunately I had to raw dog menopause *again* at age 38 after being diagnosed with stage 4 hormone receptor positive breast cancer, but at least I don’t have to take meds to suppress the ovaries, right?)

  7. I had mine removed due to PCOS at 28ish. I never wanted to birth my own kids, so there was never that loss. They found I had adenomyosis, so it has been absolutely amazing to not be in a bunch of pain. There’s been no downside, no negative effects. I can exercise the same as I could befpre

  8. It’s not like you have it out for fun. There’s generally a pretty serious reason it’s getting the boot.

    It’s not usually an elective “uterus job.” But to answer the question, no. Didn’t miss it, not once. Long term effects all positive.

  9. After 8 years of suffering from heavy unending periods caused by multiple fibroids, I had a hysterectomy two years ago at age 42. I’m upset that it took so long for my GYN to take me seriously, she did more talking than listening. I feel like I got my life back, no longer planning my life around my cycle, or manipulating my birth control (which was useless anyway) so that I could get the bad part out of the way early when I needed to travel. I’m no longer dangerously anemic, my hair isn’t falling out anymore.

  10. Hysterectomy at age 36, I had fibroid clusters next to my left ovary, as well as fibroids on other parts of my uterus. I also, as we found out after the surgery, had endometriosis. I spent the first three months of 2019 wanting to stab myself in the uterus just so the doctors would have to take it out. I could barely move, I was constantly tensed up from right under my ribcage to just above my knees. I got knots in my thigh muscles that hurt to be touched. No pain meds worked, I was all the way up to Dilaudid, and hydrocodone, with no pain relief. The day after my surgery, I was able to walk, straight, and pain free for the first time. And, for the first time in my life, I was able to sleep on my back without feeling like I had 100 lbs of weight on my stomach. My life and well being have improved exponentially since having the surgery. So far, the only effects I have had, are an improved quality of life. 100% glad I did it.

  11. Hysterectomy, took out tubes but kept ovaries at 44. My only regret is not having done it sooner. I had debilitating cramps and inconsistent but incredibly heavy periods that led to anemia and too much ibuprofen use. I have zero spotting, less mood swings, no pain. The biopsy showed endometriosis, polyps, and fibroid tumors, a trifecta of misery.

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