Maybe a little weird to ask, but hey let’s put it out there.

I don’t hold myself to a schedule or sth, but aside from sleeping, I tend to go shirtless on most weekdays after work unless I have further plans for the day. That is, during the warmer months of the year. It amounts to quite a lot at times.

My SO claims I overdo it, but I like to think it’s because she finds it a little distracting.

  1. Not a whole lot, generally only in the bedroom. If I’m just chilling after a shower or waking up I’ll stay shirtless, but I’ll usually feel a little cold without a shirt on.

  2. I’m realizing I wear a shirt basically all the time. I’ll most often go shirtless while doing yard work.

  3. Rare. About the only time I’m ever shirtless is while sleeping when it’s hot, but even then I generally prefer to wear a shirt unless it’s really stinking.

  4. Not often but that because i keep the temp in my house 68°F or lower. If for some reason i wasn’t able to have AC and the temp got over 68, i probably would be more often, but shorts and a T- shirt are just enough to not get cold.

  5. Pantless, often, shirtless, not very often.

    I usually throw on a tee, and let the junk breath free.

  6. A lot. When I wake up I can stay in just my boxers for hours since the teenager is at school (I work 2nd shift). After I take a shower at night I’ll chill on the couch for usually another hour in just my boxers cause the kid is asleep.

    My wife wonders how I do this but she’s cold unless it’s 80 degrees.

  7. wear tank tops if you find them agreeable but comfortable. Kind of a mix of being less clothed but still clothed at the same time.

    If your SO finds it distracting its probably cause you have a nice physique i am guessing?

  8. Almost never. After a workout and after a shower. Beyond that, almost never and Its not because I have anything to hide

  9. Only when I sleep or shower or am having sex. I don’t want to get my sweat on the furniture.

    >I like to think it’s because she finds it a little distracting

    I don’t think that showing off your body works nearly as well for men as it does for women.

  10. All the time. The only time I wear a shirt at home is if someone came to visit.

  11. Unless we have guests, my gf and I are usually fully nude all the time. It’s just more comfortable.

  12. All the time. I hate wearing clothing and I’ll wear as little as possible when I’m home.

  13. Never. Well, I sleep naked but I wouldn’t count that.

    Pants? never. My son who is 6, gets home, take his pants off, just like me.

  14. I live in WA but i live alone so im usually half naked most of the time. Why? Save on laundry man. I am not going any where I am plenty warm I don’t need to wear clothes.. and I especially don’t need to soil a bunch of clothes that I’ll just have to wash later anyways.

    At most i’ll wear a pair of boxers maaaybe some shorts or pajama pants maaaaybe. I am always warm so its a manner of comfort. If im clothed inside its because I recently had to go outside for something (got something out of car, took out trash etc).

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